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KGRR 2021 : Knowledge Graph Representation & Reasoning


When N/A
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Submission Deadline Aug 31, 2020
Categories    knowledge graph   knowledge representation   reasoning

Call For Papers

Recent years have witnessed the release of many open-source and enterprise-driven knowledge graphs with a dramatic increase of applications of knowledge representation and reasoning in fields such as natural language processing, computer vision, and bioinformatics. With those large-scale knowledge graphs, recent research tends to incorporate human knowledge and imitate human’s ability of relational reasoning. Factual knowledge stored in knowledge bases or knowledge graphs can be utilized as a source for logical reasoning and, hence, be integrated to improve real-world applications.

Emerging embedding-based methods for knowledge graph representation have shown their ability to capture relational facts and model different scenarios with heterogenous information. By combining symbolic reasoning methods or Bayesian models, deep representation learning techniques on knowledge graphs attempt to handle complex reasoning with relational path and symbolic logic and capture the uncertainty with probabilistic inference. Furthermore, efficient representation learning and reasoning can be one of the paths towards the emulation of high-level cognition and human-level intelligence. Knowledge graphs can also be seen as a means to tackle the problem of explainability in AI. These trends naturally facilitate relevant downstream applications which inject structural knowledge into wide-applied neural architectures such as attention-based transformers and graph neural networks.

This special issue focuses on emerging techniques and trendy applications of knowledge graph representation learning and reasoning in fields such as natural language processing, computer vision, bioinformatics, and more.

The topics of this special issues include but not limited to:
- Representation learning on knowledge graphs
- Representation learning on text data
- Logical rule mining and symbolic reasoning
- Knowledge graph completion and link prediction
- Relation extraction
- Community embeddings
- Knowledge representation and reasoning over large-scale knowledge graphs
- Hybrid methods with symbolic and non-symbolic representation and reasoning
- Automatic knowledge graph construction
- Domain-specific knowledge graphs, e.g., medical knowledge graphs
- Knowledge dynamics of temporal knowledge graphs
- Time-evolving knowledge representation learning
- Question answering and dialogue systems with knowledge graphs
- Knowledge-injected sentiment analysis
- Commonsense knowledge representation and reasoning
- Knowledge graphs for neural machine translation
- Knowledge-aware recommendation systems
- Knowledge graphs for digital health, e.g., healthcare and medical diagnosis
- Few-shot relational learning on knowledge graphs
- Federated learning with multi-source graphs in decentralized settings
- Graph representation learning for structured data
- Explainable artificial intelligence with knowledge-aware models

Paper submission: 31 August 2020
Initial review feedback: 31 October 2020
Revision: 15 January 2021
Publication date: March 2021

Erik Cambria, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Shaoxiong Ji, Aalto University, Finland
Shirui Pan, Monash University, Australia
Philip S. Yu, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Related Resources

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