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PEMDT 2020 : Post-Editing in Modern-Day Translation


When Oct 6, 2020 - Oct 6, 2020
Where Virtual
Submission Deadline Aug 26, 2020
Notification Due Sep 17, 2020
Final Version Due Sep 24, 2020
Categories    machine translation   post-editing   translation   computer-aided translation

Call For Papers

Research Papers

Original papers (including short papers of 4 to 6 pages) are accepted for submission similar to those of AMTA 2020. Papers must not exceed 12 (twelve) pages with unlimited pages for references, and must be formatted according to the AMTA style guide: PDF version / LaTeX version / MS Word version. These papers will be rigorously reviewed for novelty and impact, and they will be published in the AMTA proceedings. They will be presented at the PEMDT workshop as oral presentations.

Submitted papers must be in PDF. To allow for blind reviewing, please do not include author names and affiliations within the paper, and avoid obvious self-references. Papers must be submitted to the START system ( by 11:59 pm (UTC-12), Wednesday, 26 August 2020.

Papers must represent new work that has not been previously published (pre-prints posted online on servers such as arXiv do not count as published papers, and thus are allowed to be submitted). It is the responsibility of the author(s) to inform the program organizers of any potential problem with respect to this requirement. Authors submitting a similar paper both to PEMDT and another conference or workshop must inform the organizers by email (see below for organizer information), specifying to which other conference or workshop they are submitting their work. If a paper is accepted at both PEMDT and another workshop/conference, then to appear at PEMDT it can either be presented at PEMDT as a full paper and withdrawn from the other conference, or it can be withdrawn from the proceedings, but still presented at PEMDT as a non-archival extended abstract. Full papers presented at the conference and included in the proceedings will also be hosted on the ACL Anthology.


We also invite one-page descriptions of interesting tools related to post-editing, including commercial products, in-house systems, research prototypes and open source software. Authors should be ready to present demos of the tools during the workshop. See Demo submission instructions below.

Demo submissions consist of a 1-page product description. They should not be anonymized. Please email your demo submissions directly to John Ortega by 11:59 pm (UTC-12), Wednesday, 26 August 2020.

Related Resources

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