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SOBAE 2020 : 1st International Workshop on Service-Oriented Blockchain Application Engineering (SOBAE) in conjunction with ICSOC 2020 | |||||||||||
Link: https://wp.csiro.au/sobae2020/ | |||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||
1st International Workshop on Service-Oriented Blockchain Application Engineering (SOBAE) in conjunction with ICSOC 2020
https://wp.csiro.au/sobae2020/ Call For Papers Scope: There is an increasing interest in service-oriented computing to adopt blockchain to provide trustless, decentralization of services. Recent examples such as decentralized access control for IoT devices or decentralized identity management show that blockchain can be effectively utilized in the context of Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). However, in these early days of adoption, there is still a lack of understanding about how the functional and non-functional properties of blockchains could impact the overall system when combined with the service-oriented paradigm. The design of blockchain provides unique properties to the services built on top of the blockchain, like data integrity and immutability. However, blockchain also instigates uncertainties, like probabilistic immutability of Proof-of-Work blockchains, or transaction being discarded due to low transaction fees. These properties and uncertainties of the blockchain environment need to be understood deeply and handled adequately to build reliable and scalable services on top of blockchains. This workshop aims to bring the interest of researchers, practitioners, and industries to the issues, new directions, and challenges for blockchain application engineering, especially in the context of SOA. We call for papers that explore the themes around the design and engineering issues of using blockchains in the context of service-oriented paradigm. Topics: We seek original and high-quality submissions on, but not limited to, one or more of the following topics: Blockchain in SOA IoT/edge computing and blockchain Blockchain-enabled trusted SOA Quality of service in blockchain-based SOA Service-oriented blockchain applications Blockchain design/development/deployment as a service SOA and microservices design patterns for blockchains Decentralized application engineering Design patterns and reference architectures for blockchain-based applications Design notations/tools/analysis for blockchain applications Smart contract development and testing Programming languages for service composition and integration WORKSHOP ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Workshop Chairs Dr. Xiwei Xu, CSIRO Data61, Australia (xiwei.xu@data61.csiro.au) Dr. Qinghua Lu, CSIRO Data61, Australia (qinghua.lu@data61.csiro.au) Dr. Hye-Young Paik, University of New South Wales, Australia (h.paik@unsw.edu.au), Web and Publicity Co-Chairs Sin Kuang Lo, CSIRO Data61, Australia (sinkuang.lo@data61.csiro.au) Yue Liu, China University of Petroleum (yue.liu@s.upc.edu.cn) Program Committee TBA (refer https://wp.csiro.au/sobae2020/organization/ for updates) Registration of accepted workshop papers At least one author of the paper must register as a regular registrant even if he/she is a student, and the paper must be presented in the workshop by one of its authors. Registration procedure: TBA (refer https://wp.csiro.au/sobae2020/submissions/ for updates) Submission: EasyChair Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sobae2020 IMPORTANT DATES: Deadline for Workshop Papers: November 20th, 2020 Workshop: December 14th, 2020 The ICSOC 2020 will be on-line so as this workshop. |