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GCA 2020 : The Fifth International Workshop on GPU Computing and AI


When Nov 24, 2020 - Nov 27, 2020
Where Okinawa, Japan
Abstract Registration Due Aug 10, 2020
Submission Deadline Aug 15, 2020
Notification Due Oct 5, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 23, 2020
Categories    GPGPU   gpu   AI   machine learning

Call For Papers


The Fifth International Workshop on GPU Computing and AI (GCA)

to be held in conjunction with

The Eighth International Symposium on Computing and Networking (CANDAR'20),
Naha, Okinawa, Japan, November 24-27, 2020

[Special announcement regarding COVID-19 situation]
- Although we are still working with the possibility of having
physical meetings for CANDAR 2020 as planned, the pandemic
situation may not allow it. In case physical meeting is not
possible, we will have online meetings (details will be
announced later)
- Regardless of physical or virtual meeting, we will provide
the opportunity to present the paper online for those not able
travel to Okinawa for any reason. The details of online
presentation will be informed later.
- The review process will be conducted as in previous editions.
- Regardless of physical or virtual meeting, all accepted papers
will be published on IEEE CPS as previous years.

Built for massive parallelism, General Purpose computing on Graphic
Processing Unit (GPGPU) has superseded high-performance CPU in several
important tasks, including computer graphics, physics calculations,
encryption/decryption and scientific computations. Also, GPGPUs have
been considered as a natural alternative to fulfill the computing
needs for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications.
Recent developments have shown intensive research activity in these

The goal of this workshop is to provide a forum to discuss and
evaluate emerging techniques, platforms and applications, capable of
harvesting the power of current GPGPUs as well as to share new ideas
from the research area of Artificial Intelligence.

The GCA workshop seeks for high-quality papers on various topics,
including but not limited to:

* GPU computing
- GPU applications
- Computer graphics on GPUs
- GPU compilation
- GPU programming environments
- GPU power efficiency
- GPU architectures
- GPU theoretical computing models
- GPU benchmarking/measurements
- GPU embedded systems
- Multi-GPU systems
- GPU cluster
- Heterogeneous GPU platforms
- CPU-GPU cooperation
- Deep learning on GPUs

* Artificial intelligence
- Artificial neural networks
- Big data analytics
- Data mining
- Deep learning
- Experts systems
- Fuzzy logic
- Machine learning
- Natural language processing
- Computer vision
- Reinforcement learning

[Paper format]
* Regular paper: 5-7 pages
* Poster paper: 3-4 pages

The conference and workshop proceedings will be published by Conference
Publishing Service and submitted to IEEE Xplore and CSDL digital libraries.
Also, they are submitted for indexing through INSPEC, EI (Compendex),
Thomson ISI, and other indexing services.

[Important dates]
* Abstract submission due: August 10, 2020
* Paper submission due: August 15, 2020
* Paper notification: October 5, 2020
* Final camera-ready paper submission due: October 23, 2020
* Workshop: November 24-27, 2020

* Workshop co-chairs
- Jacir L. Bordim (University of Brasilia)
- Yasuaki Ito (Hiroshima University)

[Program Committee]
* Toshio Endo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
* Norihisa Fujita (University of Tsukuba)
* Ken-ichi Fukui (Osaka University)
* Takayasu Fushimi (Tokyo University of Technology)
* Jing Gong (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)
* Kohei Hatano (Kyushu University)
* Tsutomu Inamoto (Ehime University)
* Fumihiko Ino (Osaka University)
* Takashi Ishida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
* Kyeong Soo Kim (Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University)
* Atsushi Koike (National Institute of Technology, Ichinoseki College)
* Takeshi Morita (Keio University)
* Akira Naruse (NVIDIA)
* Takahiro Nishigaki (Aoyama Gakuin University)
* Yoshiaki Okubo (Hokkaido University)
* Tomonobu Ozaki (Nihon University)
* Max Plauth (Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam)
* Bisser Raytchev (Hiroshima University)
* Hiroyuki Sato (The University of Tokyo)
* Takashi Shimokawabe (The University of Tokyo)
* Ryousei Takano (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST))
* Toru Tamaki (Hiroshima University)
* Danilo V. Vargas (Kyushu University)
* Cheng Wang (University of Houston)
* Keiji Yanai (The University of Electro-Communications)
* Tetsuya Yoshida (Nara Women's University)

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