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JDST 2021 : JDST: Cyber Defence - Building a Rapid Response


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Dec 31, 2020
Notification Due Jan 31, 2021
Final Version Due Jan 31, 2021
Categories    cyber defence   cyber education   cyber situation awareness   artificial intelligence

Call For Papers

The EU Cyber Policy Framework (CDPF) as adopted in November 2014 at the Foreign Affairs Council is the major policy mechanism for achieving the EU cyber defence objectives. In that respect, the aim of the Cyber Defence conference is to highlight the necessity of rapid response and how the associated challenges can be met through different research and technology, education, training and exercises initiatives at EU level.

At the same time, gathering of representatives from governments, EU, academia, armed forces, industry, and innovation centers will encourage the dialogue between relevant stakeholders on necessary, appropriate and emerging innovations. Presentations on the operational challenges together with industry start-ups, cyber defence companies, government structures, and academic institutions are expected.

To reflect on these developments, the Journal of Defence & Security Technologies (JDST) issues this Call for Papers for a Issue on “Cyber Defence – Building a Rapid Response”.

Interested authors are invited to submit an original contribution addressing one or more of the following topics (but not limited to):

Setting the requirements for rapid response
Cyber Defence Rapid Response Capability
Operational challenges of rapid response
Cyber Education, Training and Exercises
The R&T dimension for Cyber Defence Rapid Response Capability
Rapid Response Solutions Research and Innovation on Cyber
Building an EU Rapid Response
Cyber Situation Awareness
Training, Developing and Exercising a Rapid Response Force Cross-sectorial cooperation on EU civil-military synergies
Cyber Defence Training and Education Platform
Information assurance and cyber defence
Cyber decision support systems and dynamic risk management
Intrusion detection, analysis, attribution, and impact/damage assessment - Cyber security metrics
Cyber security visualization
Survivability and resilience
Artificial Intelligence solutions for cyberdefence
Trust, secure information sharing, and secure collaboration
Cyber defence simulation

Dr. Nikolai Stoianov, Deputy Director of the Bulgarian Defence Institute
Mr. Salvador Llopis, Project Officer Cyber Defence Technology, EDA

Publication charges: Publication of the accepted paper in the JDST journal is free of charge.

Deadline: Authors are invited to submit full texts (using the JDST template in ODT format or JDST template in DOCX format) by the end of Dec 2020. We accept articles in English language only.

Expected date of publication: The online publication of this special issue is scheduled for the end of Jan 2021, and the printed version – for Feb 2021.

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