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BBH 2021 : BANDUNG-BELGRADE-HAVANA IN GLOBAL HISTORY AND PERSPECTIVE: What dream, what reality, what project for a global future?


When Oct 25, 2021 - Oct 31, 2021
Where Indonesia
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2021
Notification Due Apr 30, 2021
Final Version Due Jul 31, 2021
Categories    world history   international relations   political sciences   social sciences

Call For Papers

66th Anniversary of the Bandung Asian-African Conference
60th Anniversary of the Belgrade Non-Alignment Conference
55th Anniversary of the Havana Tricontinental Conference
Indonesia, October 25-30, 2021

The conference is open to individual and group paper presentations. Those willing to present their papers are invited to submit their abstracts before March 31, 2021. The selected abstracts will be communicated to their authors progressively from April to May 2021.


(The president of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno, Opening Speech, The Asian-African Conference, Bandung, Indonesia, April 18, 1955)

(Martin Luther King, Public Speech, the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, August 28, 1963)

The world that we inherited today is still fraught with global injustice, inequality and violence.
Our common dream of a new world civilization based on social justice, equality, harmony, and prosperity, has yet to become a reality.
Global injustice and inequality are clearly on display before us.
When the rich nations, which comprise a mere 20 percent of the world’s population, consume 70 percent of the world resources, then global injustice becomes real.
When hundreds of people in the northern hemisphere enjoy the lives of super rich, while more than 1.2 billion people in the southern hemisphere struggle with less than 2 dollars per day, then global injustice becomes more visible before eyes.
When a group of rich countries think that they could change the world by the use of force, the global inequality clearly brings about misery, of which the United Nations looks helpless.
The use of unilateral force without a clear UN mandate, as we have witnessed, has undermined the existence of our common world body. Therefore, we, the nations of Asia and Africa, demands the UN reform, so that it could function better, as a world body that puts justice for all of us before anything else.
We can do all that by bringing the Bandung Spirit down to earth, by contextualizing the three core objectives that our predecessors had fought for sixty years ago.
First, prosperity. We must cooperate closely to eradicate poverty, improve education and health services, promote science and technology, and provide jobs for our people.
Second, solidarity. We must grow together, by increasing and expanding trade and investment between us. We must develop inter-regional economic cooperation between Asia and Africa, by helping each other in strengthening connectivity among us, by building infrastructures that connect our ports, our airports, and our roads. […]
Third, internal and external stability, and respect for human rights. We have to ask ourselves, what is wrong with us that many of our countries are plagued by internal and external conflicts that derail our economy.
(The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo, Opening Statement, The Asian-African Summit 2015, Jakarta, 22 April 2015)

Six years after that statement, sixty-six years after the Bandung Asian-African Conference, sixty years after the Belgrade Conference of Non-Aligned Nations, fifty-five years after the Havana Tricontinental Conference, what dream is still dream, what reality has taken place, what project is to be proposed in order to make the dream for a global future a reality?

The conference encourages the participation of scholars from a wide range of scientific disciplines (area studies, cultural studies, ecology, economics, geography, history, humanities, languages, management, political and social sciences...) and practitioners from diverse professional fields (business, civil society, education, enterprise, government, management, parliament, public policy, social and solidarity movements...) as well as artists, writers, journalists and activists of social and solidarity movements, based in diverse geographical areas (North, South, East, West, Central AFRICA; North, Central, South AMERICA; the CARIBBEAN; AUSTRALIA; North, East, West, Central, South and Southeast ASIA; Central, Eastern, Southern, Northern, Western EUROPE; RUSSIA, PACIFIC, OCEANIA...).

For more information, see

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