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DADH 2020 : The Eleventh International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities


When Dec 1, 2020 - Dec 4, 2020
Where Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2020
Notification Due Aug 31, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 15, 2020
Categories    digital humanities   computational linguistics   smart data

Call For Papers

About the Conference

Since its first meeting at the end of 2009, the International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (DADH) has utilized its yearly theme and programming agenda to collaboratively investigate ways to integrate modern information technology into the exploration of the traditional humanities field, and to furthermore exceed the limitations in humanities research put in place by more conventional data and topics. We have polished our scholarship over the past decade. As the Chinese idiom goes, “It takes ten years to sharpen a sword” – and we are ready to cut a path into new frontiers in the second decade of our endeavor. The Academia Sinica Center for Digital Cultures will be the host of the 11th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities (DADH 2020). We hereby invite all scholars to join us in this great undertaking.

Facing the ascendance of digital humanities as a rapidly flourishing field, this year’s conference will continue examining the many aspects of research in digital humanities. In addition, the theme of this year’s conference will be “Smart Data ╳ Digital Humanities.” We call on scholars to pool their knowledge to explore how we can convert massive quantities of disparate data preserved in digital archives, by means of the latest technological developments in semantic web and artificial intelligence, to enable large databases to serve not only as data silos passively searched by researchers, but to go further and become able to actively respond to researchers’ queries and ideas, providing knowledge graphs that dynamically link people to answers. In short, structuring data to make it more usable.

Due to the ongoing uncertainty of the current global COVID-19 pandemic, our ability to gather for in-person discussion may be impacted. Therefore, this year’s conference will be carried out through live online video conferencing technology. We welcome all those who share an interest in the development of digital humanities research to partake in our mutual exchange of knowledge across the online cloud. Together, we will reflect on the many possibilities explored and yet to be explored on the future horizons of digital humanities.

Call for Papers

Topics of Interest

We invite submissions of abstracts relating (but not limited) to the following aspects of smart data and digital humanities:

1. Development of Theory in Digital Humanities and Smart Data-related Fields
++++ Digital humanities-related fields, including: research data management, data visualization
++++ Information science-related fields, including: AI, big data, smart data, linked data
++++ Data modeling structures, including: ontologies, classification systems
2. Digital Humanities Research and Smart Data Management and Distribution
++++ Research data integration models, management workflows, data compatibility formats
++++ Digital document infrastructure
++++ Data cleaning methods
++++ Search models and database models
++++ Distribution, maintenance, and digital publication
3. Digital Humanities Research and Smart Data Processing and Analysis
++++ Digital humanities research and smart data exploration technology
++++ Smart data calculation tools
++++ Analysis methods for digital humanities research and smart data
4. Foundational Equipment and Systems
++++ Open source tools for digital humanities research
++++ Smart data machine calculation models, data processing frameworks
++++ System frameworks and hardware required to process smart data
5. Cases of Smart Data Applied to Digital Humanities Research
++++ DH history and philosophy cases
++++ DH social issue investigations
++++ Research data distribution services
++++ DH cross-domain / industrial application cases
6. Extending the Field of Digital Humanities Research and Smart Data
++++ Data provider cooperation models
++++Information security measures
++++Data application ethics
++++ Researchers' approaches to research

Submission Guidelines

1. Submission formats: paper abstract, poster abstract, or panel proposal
2. Format requirements:
++++ Paper abstract: 1,000 – 3,000 words
++++ Full paper: 10-15 pages
++++ Poster abstract: 500 – 1,500 words
++++ Panel proposal: at least 1,500 words (The proposal should provide an overview and the abstracts of 3-4 papers)
3. Submission languages: Chinese, English
4. Stay tuned to this website for future announcements.

Post-Conference Publication

After the conference, authors are invited to revise and submit their papers for review. After review, papers will be included in the Journal of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities published by the Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities. See future announcements regarding important dates and formatting for publication.

Important Dates

2020/07/15 (Wed) Paper abstracts / Poster abstracts / Panel proposals due
2020/08/31 (Mon) Acceptance notifications
2020/10/15 (Thu) Full paper submissions due
2020/12/01 (Tue)-12/04 (Fri) Conference

Related Resources

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