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IEEE Sensors 2020 : Sensors and Sensor Systems for AgriFood and Connected Farming


When Oct 25, 2020 - Oct 28, 2020
Where Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Submission Deadline Jul 17, 2020

Call For Papers

“Sensors and Sensor Systems for AgriFood and Connected Farming”

Please know that our thoughts are with those affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. At this time, we are dedicated to support those individuals who may be unable to travel to Rotterdam, Netherlands from affected regions. If you are unable to travel or have concerns about obtaining your VISA, we are happy to announce the opportunity for remote presentations during your scheduled time slot if your paper is accepted.

After two historical revolutions in modern agriculture introducing mechanized agriculture and genetic modification, a new wave of technological advancements is getting into practice in order to feed the ever-growing population of the world. These include the recent advances in remote sensing, low cost and robust phenotyping and environmental sensors, wireless sensor connectivity, and advanced sensor data analytics. An increasing number of next-generation farmers all around the world have been adopting these sensor and data-driven innovations to support their decision-making during their daily agricultural activities to optimize outcomes and preserve resources. However, the most important missing technology is sensors and sensing systems that can monitor food, plant and soil quality in order to monitor every step of the food chain, from the field to the consumer.
The session will focus on sensors and sensing systems dedicated to agriculture and food quality including the concept of IoT to pave the way for the concept of precision farming. It will cover advances in the area of soil quality monitoring, plant health and growth as well as pesticide and insecticide detection. Additionally, it will include food-quality monitoring systems from the field to the consumer, ensuring food quality. We aim to provide a vibrant forum for exchanging ideas, methodologies and insights of smart sensors and sensing systems in the wider AgriFood field.

Topics of interest for this focused session include (but are not limited to):
•Low cost and robust manufacturing of agricultural sensors
•Sensors for soil, plant, animal, and food monitoring
•Molecular sensing methods for agriculture
•Pathogenic/pest detection
•Phenotypical and environmental sensors for agriculture and aquaculture
•Data aggregation techniques in the field (e.g. unmanned air vehicles,
aerial/ground/underwater robots)
•IoT-sensor wireless data acquisition for agricultural applications
•Custom advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence techniques for
interpretation, feature extraction, prediction and forecasting of
agriculture and aquaculture data

ALL submissions must be made on-line through this website. Detailed author information and guidelines can be found on the conference website:

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline (Max 3 pages of text +1 page of references)
July 17, 2020
Notification of Paper Acceptance August 10, 2020
Submission of Final Papers August 31, 2020

Session Chairs
Dr. Marios Sophocleous
Research Fellow
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Cyprus
Nicosia, Cyprus

Dr. Alper Bozkurt
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
North Carolina State University

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