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SBMF 2020 : 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods


Conference Series : Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods
When Nov 25, 2020 - Nov 27, 2020
Where Ouro Preto / Brazil
Abstract Registration Due Jul 10, 2020
Submission Deadline Jul 17, 2020
Notification Due Aug 31, 2020
Final Version Due Sep 11, 2020
Categories    formal methods   theoretical computer science   verification   software testing

Call For Papers


The 23rd Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods (SBMF) will be held in Ouro Preto (Brazil), November 2020.

The 23rd SBMF is the 2020 edition of a series of events devoted to the development, dissemination, and use of formal methods for the construction of high-quality computational systems. It is now a well-established event, with an international reputation.

We invite submissions of papers with a strong emphasis on formal methods, whether practical or theoretical, in the following categories:

1 - Regular papers (limit of 16 pages);
2 - Journal-first papers (limit of 4 pages).

Page limits include references and any appendices. When submitting the paper, the authors should select the appropriate submission category. Contributions should not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. They should be written in English and prepared using Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format.

More information available in the following link:

Papers submitted to Category (1) should present unpublished and original work that has a clear contribution to the state-of-the-art on the theory and practice of formal methods. Papers will be judged by at least three reviewers on the basis of originality, relevance, technical soundness and presentation quality and should contain sound theoretical or practical results. Industry papers should emphasize practical application of formal methods or report on open challenges.

Papers submitted to Category (2) should provide a concise summary of an outstanding journal paper published by the same authors, besides considering an updated reflection about the achieved results: what has been done since the original publication, and what are the current challenges. The submission must explicitly include full bibliographic details (including a DOI) of the journal publication it is based on. The published journal paper must adhere to the following criteria:

It is clearly within the scope of the conference.
It has been made available in a journal (online or in print) not before 1 January 2018.
It is not an extended version of a selected conference paper.
It has not been presented at, and is not under consideration for, other journal-first tracks.

Our goal with Category (2) is to further enrich the SBMF program, bringing about results that have been published but not presented in any conference yet. In this way, we want to foster interesting discussions that might be relevant to attendees and authors. Papers submitted to this category will be judged based on the aforementioned recommendations and criteria.

Submissions for all categories should be made via the following link:

Related Resources

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ICFEM 2024   International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods
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IJDMS 2024   International Journal of Database Management Systems