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NCAD 2020 : IEEE VTC Workshop: Network-assisted Collaborative Automated Driving


When Oct 4, 2020 - Oct 4, 2020
Where Victoria, B.C. Canada
Submission Deadline Jun 19, 2020
Notification Due Jun 29, 2020
Final Version Due Jul 14, 2020
Categories    vehicular network   collaborative automated drivin   vehicular communication

Call For Papers

As cars become increasingly automated and connected, it is anticipated traveling will be safer and more efficient. However, the natural segregation of the two vehicle technology areas has been dragging our pace towards that goal. Vehicular communications, or V2X, which enable vehicles to exchange information in real time with each other and with other road participants in a range of a few hundreds of meters, offers opportunities to augment individual vehicles’ understanding of the environment and to cooperate with the traffic in a more cohesive manner. But its protocol design has largely been independent of actual automated/autonomous driving applications. On the other hand, vehicle automation, a domain used to leverage a vehicle’s own sensor suit to sense and operate, hasn’t gotten many algorithms to handle over the air input of different granularities regarding the environment. Novel cooperative automated driving applications leveraging V2X data are needed. This dedicated workshop concerns the most recent advancements in wireless communications, sensory technologies and information processing. It aims to advance solutions combing the power of wireless communications and traditional vehicle automation for a safer, more efficient automated/autonomous vehicle. Challenges, opportunities and benefits of performing research in this interdisciplinary domain will be analyzed and highlighted. The workshop will invite distinguished speakers. It is expected to be interactive. The technical areas of the workshop include,
but not limited to
1) V2X communication protocol design, testing and evaluation
2) V2X assisted/enhanced applications
3) Vehicular cooperative sensory fusion
4) Cooperative automated driving, path planning and control
5) Network-augmented ADAS

You can submit a paper to this track.

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