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SLTC 2020 : 8th Swedish Language Technology Conference


When Nov 25, 2020 - Nov 27, 2020
Where Gothenburg, Sweden
Submission Deadline Sep 1, 2020
Notification Due Oct 13, 2020
Categories    NLP   natural language processing   computational linguistics

Call For Papers

Eighth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC)
25-27 November 2020, University of Gothenburg

Welcome to the Eighth Swedish Language Technology Conference (SLTC), which will take place in Göteborg 25–27 November 2020, with workshops on Wednesday 25 November and the main conference Thursday–Friday 26–27 November.


- Workshop proposal submission deadline: Tuesday 9 June
- Workshop notification of acceptance: Tuesday 16 June
- Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday 1 September
- Notification of acceptance: Tuesday 13 October
- Workshops: Wednesday 25 November
- Main conference: Thursday–Friday 26–27 November


University of Gothenburg, and in particular:

- CLASP (the Centre for Linguistic Theory and Studies in Probability) at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science,
- Språkbanken Text (the Language Bank) at the Department of Swedish, and
- the Department of Computer Science and Engineering.


Workshops will be held on Wednesday 25 November, immediately preceding the main conference. Workshops can be either scheduled for a full day (morning and afternoon) or for half a day. Proposals for workshops can be submitted in free-text form, anytime before Tuesday 9 June, by email to Workshop proposals must include information on at least the following aspects:

1. Name of the workshop
2. List of organisers
3. Short description of the workshop theme and intended audience
4. Short description of the workshop organisation
- Will there be a call for papers or only invited presentations?
- Will there be regular talks, posters, panels, discussions, or what?
- Will there be published proceedings?
- What is your plan for targeting the Corona/Covid-19 situation?
5. Duration of the workshop (normally half a day or one full day)


Content: Papers are invited on all theoretical, practical and applied aspects of language technology, including natural language processing, computational linguistics, speech technology and neighbouring areas. Papers can describe completed or ongoing research, as well as practical applications of language technology, and may be combined with systemdemonstrations.

Format: Papers will be presented at the conference as posters or oral presentations, according to the decision of the program committee.

Submission: Papers are submitted as extended abstracts using style files that will be made available at the conference webpage, and should include author names and affiliations (i.e., they should not be anonymous). The abstract should be up to 4 pages, excluding references, and is submitted via EasyChair no later than Tuesday 1 September. Stylesheets and other information can be found at the conference webpage:

Publication policy: The conference does not publish any proceedings, but accepted contributions will be made available on the conference web page as extended abstracts. Hence, it is possible to submit abstracts related to work that has been, or will be, published elsewhere, as long as this is compatible with the conditions of the respective publication channels.

In addition, we are looking into possibilities for a dedicated post-proceedings volume in some journal, or similar kind of publication venue. The idea is that the post-proceedings will solicit full-length versions of selected conference papers, and will have a separate review process which will be initiated shortly after SLTC 2020 so that feedback from the conference can be incorporated into the post-proceeding versions.

Related Resources

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