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PLAS 2020 : ACM SIGSAC Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security | |||||||||||||||
Link: http://plas.ws | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
ACM SIGSAC 15th Workshop on Programming Languages and Analysis for Security (PLAS 2020)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Friday November 13, 2020 - Orlando, USA (Co-located with ACM CCS 2020) http://plas.ws/ PLAS provides a forum for exploring and evaluating the use of programming language and program analysis techniques for promoting security in the complete range of software systems, from compilers to machine-learned models and smart contracts. The workshop encourages proposals of new, speculative ideas, evaluations of new or known techniques in practical settings, and discussions of emerging threats and problems. We also host position papers that are radical, forward-looking, and lead to lively and insightful discussions influential to the future research at the intersection of programming languages and security. The scope of PLAS includes, but is not limited to: - *NEW THIS YEAR*: Language-based techniques for detecting and eliminating side-channel vulnerabilities - Programming language techniques and verification applied to security in other domains (e.g. adversarial learning and smart contracts) - Software isolation techniques (e.g., SFI and sandboxing) and compiler-based hardening techniques (e.g, secure compilation) - Compiler-based security mechanisms (e.g. security type systems) or runtime-based security mechanisms (e.g. inline reference monitors) - Techniques for discovering and detecting security vulnerabilities, including program (binary) analysis and fuzzing - Automated introduction and/or verification of security enforcement mechanisms - Language-based verification of security properties in software, including verification of cryptographic protocols - Specifying and enforcing security policies for information flow and access control - Model-driven approaches to security - Security concerns for Web programming languages - Language design for security in new domains such as cloud computing and IoT - Applications, case studies, and implementations of these techniques * Call for Papers ————————————------ We invite both full papers and short papers. For short papers we especially encourage the submission of position papers that are likely to generate lively discussion as well as short papers covering ongoing and future work. Full and short paper presentations will have equal time slots. * Full papers should be at most 11 pages long, plus as many pages as needed for references and appendices. Papers in this category are expected to have relatively mature content. * Short papers should be at most 3 pages long, plus as many pages as needed for references. Papers that present radical, open-ended and forward-looking ideas are particularly welcome in this category, as are papers presenting preliminary and exploratory work. Authors submitting papers in this category must prepend the phrase "Short Paper:" to the title of the submitted paper. Submissions should be PDF documents typeset in the ACM proceedings format using 10pt fonts. A SIGPLAN-approved template can be found at SIGPLAN Author Information. We recommend using this template. Both full and short papers must describe work not published in other refereed venues (see the SIGPLAN republication policy for more details). Accepted papers will appear in workshop proceedings, which will be distributed to the workshop participants and be available in the ACM Digital Library. Submissions can be made via Easychair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=plas2020. Important Dates Paper submission: (EXTENDED) Friday June 28, 2020 (AoE) Author notification: August 8, 2020 Camera ready version: Wednesday September 2, 2020 Workshop date: Friday November 13, 2020 * Sponsorship Opportunities -------------------------------------- PLAS offers sponsorship opportunities to companies and institutions interested in promoting their brand at the workshop. These contributions will allow us to offer travel grants and reduced registration fees to students and underrepresented groups. Please, see http://plas.ws/#cfs for more details. * Program Committee -------------------------------------- - Amal Ahmed (Northeastern University) - Owen Arden (University of California, Santa Cruz) - Musard Balliu (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) - Ethan Cecchetti (Cornell University) - Dominique Devriese (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) - François Dupressoir (University of Bristol) - Anitha Gollamudi (Harvard University) - Marco Guarnieri (IMDEA Software Institute) - Scott Moore (Galois) - Deian Stefan (University of California, San Diego) # Organizers -------------------------------------- - Alley Stoughton (Boston University) - Marco Vassena (CISPA, Helmholtz Center for Information Security) |