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C++ in science 2020 : Call for abstract/book chapters


When May 1, 2020 - Aug 1, 2020
Where Cambridge
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    modern c++   deep learning   programming

Call For Papers

I am pulling together an Edited Collection called C++ Programming in Science & Engineering and I would like to invite you to consider submitting one or more chapters.

The abstract/call for the Collection is here:

C++ in science and engineering comes when there is a huge interest in C++. This is evident in its demand in various fields such as machine learning, autonomous driving, language technologies, finance, etc. The focus of this series is on modern C++, strong C++ fundamentals, tools/libraries and writing production ready codes.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Theory and Fundamentals
Multithreading and concurrency programming
GPU, Graphics, GUI programming
Embedded C++ programming
Cuda programming
Features of modern C++ (11, 14, 17, 20)
Data Structures & Algorithms

Tools and Libraries
QT, OpenCV, OpenGL
Unit testing frameworks
CMake and associated tools
Tensorflow, CNTK, Kaldi, Caffe, Mlpack, DLib, etc.
New machine learning tools/libraries
Linear algebra (Eigen, LAPACK, Armadillo, etc.)

Image and video coding
Autonomous driving
Language technologies (speech, NLP, machine translation, etc.)

A Chapter should normally be no longer than 6000 words, and should be original and previously unpublished. If the work has already been published (as a journal article, or in conference proceedings, for example), the Publisher will require evidence that permission to be re-published has been granted.

To see the Call on the Publisher’s website, please click here:, where you can download and complete a submission form.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions.
Kind regards,

Rebecca Gladders
Senior Commissioning Editor


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