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CERC 2020 : 6th Collaborative European Research Conference


When Sep 10, 2020 - Sep 11, 2020
Where Belfast, Northern-Ireland
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2020
Notification Due Jul 31, 2020
Final Version Due Aug 20, 2020
Categories    computer science   engineering   education   business

Call For Papers

Celebrating Excellence in Research

The multidisciplinary Collaborative European Research Conference (CERC) is an annual event that takes place since 2011 when it was initiated by University partners across Europe. It brings together researchers from a wide range of disciplines in order to foster knowledge transfer, inter-disciplinary exchange and collaboration.

We invite researchers to submit extended abstracts or full papers and to attend the conference. We especially welcome early stage researchers to present new research topics.

In previous years, contributions came from computer science, biology, bioinformatics, business information systems, marketing, IT-security, civil engineering, education, psychology, multimedia, art, etc. Contributing students came from Ireland, Germany, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Norway, France, USA, etc. Accepted contributions will be published in digital proceedings with an ISSN number - it is intended that publications shall be submitted to CEUR-WS for online publication, indexed among other at DBLP, Scopus, Semantic Scholar and Google Scholar. A prize for the best paper will be awarded during the conference closing on September 11, 2020.

This year, we will invite IEEE Distinguish Lecturers to deliver Keynotes. Eight tracks have been confirmed to run in the conference:
* Industry & Start-ups
* Autonomous Mobility
* Natural language processing and its applications
* Cyber security and privacy
* IOT and pervasive computing
* Biomedical image processing
* Systems biology and biomedicine
* Big data analytics for Sustainable Society

An European research networking session will be held during the conference.

Important Dates
Submission deadline (short and full papers): June 30, 2020
Notification to authors: July 31, 2020
Submission of camera ready abstracts / papers: August 20, 2020
Conference registration deadline: August 9, 2020
Conference: September 10-11, 2020
Conference Awarding Ceremony: September 11, 2020

Registration fees
* Regular Author and Guest Registration: 120 £
* Student Registration: 80 £

Related Resources

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