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FedCSIS - NSA 2020 : FedCSIS 2020 Track 3: Network Systems and Applications (NSA)


When Sep 6, 2020 - Sep 9, 2020
Where Sofia, Bulgaria
Submission Deadline May 15, 2020
Notification Due Jun 30, 2020
Final Version Due Jul 15, 2020
Categories    information technologyn   computer science   network systems   applications

Call For Papers

Track 3: NSA


Track 3: Network Systems and Applications (NSA)

Organized within the framework of the Federated Conference on Computer Science and
Information Systems (FedCSIS 2020)

Sofia, Bulgaria, 6-9 September, 2020



Our track includes the following technical sessions:

AAIA'20 - Advances in Network Systems and Applications


-- Networks architecture
-- Networks management
-- Quality-of-Service enhancement
-- Performance modeling and analysis
-- Fault-tolerant challenges and solutions
-- 5G developments and applications
-- Traffic identification and classification
-- Switching and routing technologies
-- Protocols design and implementation
-- Wireless sensor networks
-- Future Internet architectures
-- Networked operating systems
-- Industrial networks deployment
-- Software-defined networks
-- Self-organizing and self-healing networks
-- Mulimedia in Computer Networks
-- Communication quality and reliability
-- Emerging aspects of networking systems

IoT-ECAW’20 - 4th International Workshop on Internet of Things - Enablers, Challenges and Applications


-- Future communication technologies (Future Internet; Wireless Sensor Networks; Web-services, 5G, 4G, LTE, LTE-Advanced; WLAN, WPAN; Small cell Networks…) for IoT
-- Intelligent Internet Communication
-- IoT Standards
-- Networking Technologies for IoT
-- Protocols and Algorithms for IoT
-- Self-Organization and Self-Healing of IoT Networks
-- Object Naming, Security and Privacy in the IoT Environment
-- Security Issues of IoT
-- Integration of Heterogeneous Networks, Sensors and Systems
-- Context Modeling, Reasoning and Context-aware Computing
-- Fault-Tolerant Networking for Content Dissemination
-- IoT Architecture Design, Interoperability and Technologies
-- Data or Power Management for IoT
-- Fog - Cloud Interactions and Enabling Protocols
-- Reliability and Dependability of mission critical IoT
-- Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicles (UAV) Platforms, Swarms and Networking
-- Data Analytics for IoT
-- Artificial Intelligence and IoT
-- Applications of IoT (Healthcare, Military, Logistics, Supply Chains, Agriculture, ...)
-- E-commerce and IoT

NEMESIS'20 - 1st International Forum of Cyber Security, Privacy, and Trust


-- Biometric technologies
-- Cryptography and cryptanalysis
-- Critical infrastructure protection
-- Security of wireless sensor networks
-- Hardware-oriented information security
-- Organization- related information security
-- Social engineering and human aspects in cyber security
-- Individuals identification and privacy protection methods
-- Pedagogical approaches for information security education
-- Information security and business continuity management
-- Tools supporting security management and development
-- Decision support systems for information security
-- Trust in emerging technologies and applications
-- Digital right management and data protection
-- Threats and countermeasures for cybercrimes
-- Ethical challenges in user privacy and trust
-- Cyber and physical security infrastructures
-- Risk assessment and management
-- Steganography and watermarking
-- Digital forensics and crime science
-- Security knowledge management
-- Security of cyber-physical systems
-- Privacy enhancing technologies
-- Trust and reputation models
-- Misuse and intrusion detection
-- Data hide and watermarking
-- Cloud and big data security
-- Computer network security
-- Assurance methods
-- Security statistics

FedCSIS'20 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS (to be extended):

-- Christian Blum (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute
(IIIA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain)
-- George Boustras (European University, Cyprus)
-- Hans-Georg Fill (University of Fribourg, Switzerland)


Preprints will be published on USB memory sticks provided to the
FedCSIS'20 participants.

Papers presented during FedCSIS'20 will be submitted to IEEE for
inclusion in the Xplore Digital Library under a nonexclusive copyright,
thus further publication of extended papers are possible.

Moreover, proceedings published in a volume with ISBN, ISSN and DOI
numbers will be posted at FedCSIS WWW site.


-- Regular paper submission: May 15, 2020 (fixed - no extensions)
-- Position paper submission:June 9, 2020 (with option of regular paper
submission - if discussed with chairs)
-- Acceptance notification: June 30, 2020
-- Final paper submission and author registration: July 15, 2020
-- Conference dates: September 6-9, 2020

Please forward this announcement to your colleagues and associates who
could be interested in it.


-- Armando, Alessandro, University of Genova, Italy
-- Awad, Ali Ismail, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
-- Furtak, Janusz, Military University of Technology, Poland

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