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MPS 2020 : 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Privacy and Security


When Sep 18, 2020 - Sep 18, 2020
Where Streamed Online
Submission Deadline Jul 20, 2020
Notification Due Aug 2, 2020
Final Version Due Aug 9, 2020
Categories    cybersecurity   privacy   multimedia

Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce that the 3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Privacy and Security will be co-located with ESORICS 2020 and streamed online due to COVID-19. MPS 2020 will be held on September 18, 2020.

Call for Papers: We live in an interconnected world where ever increasing multitudes of devices and people are connected to each other by intelligent algorithms, apps, social networks, and the infrastructure set by Internet of Things (IoT) and Web 2.0 (i.e., online social networks, instant messaging services and P2P systems such as blockchain based networks). As more people and their devices are connected without much restriction, the issues of security, privacy, and trust remain a challenge. Multimedia data and devices have been dominating the Internet and the IoT as more and more devices are capable of producing and handling multimedia data such as audio, image, video and computer graphics. In recent years, we have witnessed an increasing number of security incidents about hacking, security breaches, data manipulation, social engineering, and new attacks against many online systems and services, many of which are related to multimedia data and/or devices. For instance, malware is hidden within an image file on a web site, and any users who visit the website can get their machine infected immediately after its web browser displays the image. We invite researchers who are working on new and innovative methods, techniques, and proofs‐of‐concepts in multimedia privacy and security to submit papers for this workshop.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Access control and authentication for multimedia privacy and security systems
Identity management and standards for multimedia privacy and security systems
Privacy and security issues and solutions related to multimedia data on IoT networks and online social network security and privacy
Distributed ledger technologies, blockchain and cryptocurrencies for multimedia data and devices
Side channel attacks based on analysis of multimedia signals (especially acoustic and optic signals)
CAPTCHA: new design and attacks
Security visualization
Adversarial AI against multimedia based systems and countermeasures
Biometrics especially applications for security and privacy applications
Bystander privacy
Augmented/Virtual reality security and privacy
Encryption of multimedia data
Security and privacy in crowdsensing
Multimedia forensics
Multimedia data leakage and exfiltration
Intrusion detection/prevention systems where multimedia data play a key role
Large-scale simulations and experiments for multimedia privacy and security problems
Location-based privacy and other privacy-enhancing technologies for multimedia data and systems such as images and videos on online social networks
Risk mitigation, reduction, and simulation
Malware in multimedia data and devices
Multimedia data security, recovery, and segregation
Secure integration of multimedia data in IoT and online social networks
Multimedia steganography and steganalysis
Digital watermarking
Digital rights management systems of multimedia products or based on multimedia techniques
Security and privacy issues about Internet-connected cameras and multiview systems
Human factors in multimedia security and privacy products, systems and networks
Cloud-based multimedia systems
Detecting and countering fake multimedia (e.g., fake news, deep fakes, etc.)
Emerging privacy and security threats in multimedia

Submission: All papers will be written in English and submitted as a PDF through EasyChair: Regular papers (18 pages, including references) will be allotted 25 minutes for their presentations, plus 5 minutes for questions and answers. Short papers (6-8 pages, including references), where authors can present work in progress, will be allowed 10 minutes for their presentations and 5 minutes for questions and answers. All page limits exclude possible appendices. We welcome the submission of short papers focusing on or including demonstrations of new multimedia security and privacy systems. All submissions should follow the LNCS template (available from ) from the time they are submitted. Program Committee members are not required to read the appendices, so the paper should be intelligible without them. All submissions must be written in English. All submissions will be anonymized for a double-blind review, with final acceptance decisions made by the organizers based on reviewer comments. Simultaneous submissions of papers to multiple venues is not allowed. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. Authors of accepted papers must agree with Springer LNCS copyright and guarantee that their papers will be presented at the workshop.

Organizing Committee:

Roger A. Hallman - General Co-Chair (Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific; Dartmouth College, USA)
Shujun Li - General Co-Chair (University of Kent, UK)
Victor Chang - General Co-Chair (Teesside University, UK)

Program Committee:

Roger A. Hallman - Program Co-Chair (Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific; Dartmouth College, USA)
Shujun Li - Program Co-Chair (University of Kent, UK)
Ivan Bajić (Simon Fraser University, Canada)
An Braeken (Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium)
Sherman S.M. Chow (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Tiago Cruz (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Giovanni Pau (Kore University of Enna, Italy)
Kurt Rohloff (Duality Technologies; New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA)
Jose Romero-Mariona (Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific, USA)
V.S. Subrahmanian (Dartmouth College, USA)
Phani Vadrevu (University of New Orleans, USA)
Honggang Wang (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA)
More to come...

Contact Email:

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