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NEAT 2020 : ACM SIGCOMM 2020 Workshop on Networking for Emerging Applications and Technologies


When Aug 10, 2020 - Aug 10, 2020
Where New York, NY
Submission Deadline Apr 17, 2020
Notification Due May 20, 2020
Final Version Due Jun 12, 2020
Categories    architecture   networks   protocols   holographic communications

Call For Papers

Submission site:

However, in large number of emerging applications, the tolerance to network delays, packet losses or outages is extremely low, instead guarantees from the network for precise per-packet delivery become necessary. Hologram-based applications are a natural progression to the evolution of media. The current network infrastructures just barely meet the demands of high bandwidth and low latency combined together for Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) but networked-holograms require a paradigm shift in a media communication methodology.

NEAT 2020 Workshop explores possibilities such as those with new packet delivery techniques, exploring new algorithms, switching and multiplexing technologies wherever necessary in large scale networks. Potential authors will be able to share their viewpoints, the latest research and project findings.

The specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
-Architecture and frameworks for delivering high precision of services
- Convergence and optimizations of network protocols for Industrial and Tactile networks
- Investigations, survey and techniques in data plane for Industrial and Tactile internet.
- Scheduling in networks for high-precision applications
- Mechanisms to support ultra-low-latency in packet based networks
- Verification and proof of service delivery in high-precision networks
- Maximizing link utilization for high-throughput applications
- Architecture and protocols for reliable and lossless packet delivery
- Network security and privacy issues in Industrial and Tactile internet
- Resource allocation mechanisms for deterministic, reliable and lossless data transmission
- Requirements and challenges in Holographic type communications
- Networking requirements and challenges of VR/AR
- Media formats for holographic type communications
- Methods for transmission of multi-sensory holographic media
- High-throughput transport for VR/AR and Holographic type communications
- Adaptive video streaming for network/user dynamics
- Video analytics and smart offloading for VR/AR
- Measurement study of existing VR/AR and HTC applications

Submission site:

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