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IWSMR 2020 : 2nd International Workshop on Information Security Methodology and Replication Studies


When Aug 25, 2020 - Aug 28, 2020
Where Dublin or online
Submission Deadline May 27, 2020
Notification Due Jun 11, 2020
Final Version Due Jul 5, 2020
Categories    security   computer science   communications   networking

Call For Papers

2nd International Workshop on Information Security Methodology and Replication Studies (IWSMR 2020)
to be held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
(ARES 2020 –

August 25 – August 28, 2020, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland

In recent years, research started to focus on the scientific fundamentals of information security. These fundamentals include several important aspects such as the unified description of attacks and countermeasures, the reproducibility of experiments and means to achieve reproducibility, the sharing of research data and code, the discussion of quality criteria for experiments and the design and implementation of testbeds.

The related academic publications contributed to the advancement of information security research, e.g. by making research contributions easier to compare. Moreover, work on terminology and taxonomy addressed redundancies and unified the understanding between different sub-domains of information security.

This workshop desires to foster the progress in research on the scientific methodology of information security, to improve the links between sub-domains of information security research and to advance the discussion on the scientific methodology in information security. Moreover does this workshop welcome submissions that evaluate existing research results by reproducing experiments.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

Surveys of scientific methodology in information security.
Fundamentals for a `science of security’.
Discussion of links/similarities between scientific fundamentals of information security and other research domains, such as Economics, Psychology, Biology, Physics or Chemistry (but no papers specific to non-security domains).
Evaluation and extension of existing taxonomies and proposals for new taxonomies in cyber security.
Data collection and measurement.
Work that unifies terminological inconsistencies in cyber security.
Work that reproduces existing experiments, i.e. that confirms/disproves experimental results or that shows how replication platforms can be realized in information security.
Work that discusses the underlying criteria for the design and evaluation for cyber security research testbeds.
Evaluation of the novelty of research contributions and handling of scientific re-inventions.
Methodology in network security, cryptography, information hiding, IoT security, system security, digital forensics, and other sub-disciplines of information security.
Methodology for privacy, information sharing and collaborative work in the context of information security.
“Open science” for cyber security.
History of information security.
Scientometric analyses, e.g. citation behavior, in information security.
Policy issues that influence cyber security research.

Workshop Chairs

Steffen Wendzel, Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Luca Caviglione, Inst. Appl. Math. & Inf. Techn. (IMATI), National Research Council (CNR), Italy
Alessandro Checco, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Aleksandra Mileva, University Goce Delcev, Macedonia
Jean-Francois Lalande, CentraleSupélec, France
Wojciech Mazurczyk, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

TPC Members

Zdravko Bozakov, University of Applied Sciences Worms, Germany
Krzysztof Cabaj, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Bjorn De Sutter, Ghent University, Belgium
Maria Eichlseder, IAIK, TU Graz, Austria
Bela Genge, Petru Maior University of Tg Mures, Romania
Nils Gruschka, University of Oslo, Norway
Julio Hernandez, University of Canterbury, UK
Christian Hummert, ZITiS, Germany
Karl Jonas, Bonn Rhine-Sieg University, Germany
Jörg Keller, FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
Hanno Langweg, HTWG Konstanz, Germany
Olaf Maennel, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
Caroline Moeckel, Royal Holloway, University of London, United Kingdom
Sebastian Pape, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
Frederic Petit, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Michael Rademacher, Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany
Ruben Rios, University of Malaga, Spain
Aleksandar Velinov, University Goce Delcev, Macedonia
Simon Vrhovec, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Submission Guidelines

The submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for the ARES conference. They can be found at

Accepted submissions will receive an invitation to submit their extended versions to a journal special issue (more information will follow).

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