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Oceans-Climate 2020 : The Mediteranean and Climate Change Impacts, people, action


When Aug 25, 2020 - Aug 28, 2020
Where French Riviera
Submission Deadline Aug 20, 2020
Categories    oceans   clilmate change   foresight   participatory simulation

Call For Papers

The Mediterranean and Climate Change: Impacts, people, action

International Summer School, ​Open Ocean University
​Cagnes-sur-Mer & Sophia Antipolis, French Riviera, France

The International Summer School will bring together two content areas and two methodologies: oceans, climate change,foresight and participatory simulation

The summer school will be an 'exploratorium'. It is open to all applicants who are ‘Mediterranean stakeholders’, people who, and organizations that, have an interest in planning and acting for the future of the Mediterranean, especially the future as it will be shaped by dangerous and accelerating climate change.

​Stakeholders may include: Citizens, scientists, students, activists, environmental organizations, NGOs, scientific institutions, local and central government agencies and their representatives, business and industry, local politicians, health, tourism, utilities, military and transport.

Five interrelated threads will lead our way through the various workshops and activities of this International Summer School exploratorium: The summer school will be an exciting opportunity for stakeholders to:

* learn about the complexity and interactions related to the climate impacts, human, biological and physical resources, sustainability, policy, governance, ethical dimensions and cultural diversity of the Mediterranean basin and its coasts under the impact of severe, inevitable climate change;

* become actors in the definition, building and writing of roadmaps* of policies and actions that need to be adopted and undertaken to adapt to and mitigate against climate change in the Mediterranean basin;

* become familiar with methodologies, such as issues- and solutions-oriented foresight methods and data-driven, decision-focused, participatory simulation (Companion Modelling), that enable stakeholders to participate creatively, collectively and constructively to unravel complexities and make decision under conditions of uncertainty;

* engage with, get to know and make friends with fellow stakeholders with a variety of views, problems to solve and solutions to offer;

* break new ground in sharing, creating, learning about and promoting effective ways to engage people and communities to undertake positive action to mitigate and adapt to the ravages of climate change in the Mediterranean.

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