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BigData 2020 : Healthcare Evolution in Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Trends and Applications


When Mar 8, 2020 - Jun 15, 2020
Where USA
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2020
Notification Due Aug 15, 2020
Final Version Due Oct 15, 2020
Categories    healthcare   innovation   management   big data

Call For Papers

International Journal of Data Science
Special Issue on: "Healthcare Evolution in Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Trends and Applications"

Guest Editors:
Dr. Navin Kumar, Optum Inc., USA
Prof. María del Carmen Carnero Moya, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Prof. Abdel-Badeeh M. Salem, Ain Shams University, Egypt
Associate Prof. Athina Lazakidou, University of Peloponnese, Greece

Healthcare is complex and expensive. Data analytics, particularly big data analytics, is a topic of great interest in the modern world for business and industry due to quintillion bytes of data that is created every day. Specifically, healthcare data is one of the most complex and is also one of the largest data producers in the industry. The amount of data being produced every day in healthcare is simply enormous to process and scale.

The aim of this Special issue is to look at various aspects of healthcare data challenges, and how big data analytics can help address the problems in healthcare domain. It will contain papers on both the theoretical and the practical applications. We invite and encourage authors to design and develop solutions and recommendations that can overcome difficulties and limitations such as in data processing, data integration, and data mining, to produce meaningful healthcare analytics. Data visualization is another area of exploration to deliver clear and intuitive analytics to healthcare recipients such as patients, providers and payers. Interactive dashboards can highlight key insights from clinical, financial, and operational metrics that are derived from big data analytics. Big data analytics can mine through data to timely produce patient recommendations and alerts.

Healthcare still remains a domain with enormous potential for data analytics and exploration. We sincerely hope that this special issue will help researchers, academics and professionals highlight and discuss the common challenges and inspire advancements using big data solutions. We also hope it will allow the research community to seek an improved understanding of big data implementation in healthcare.

Subject Coverage:
Suitable topics include, but are not limited, to the following:

-Data storage and processing capabilities for relational, images, PDF, and text data
-Data processing optimization and performance
-Data access, curation and integration of disparate source systems
-Cloud based enterprise solutions
-Scalability of healthcare data as a platform EHR integration and analytics
-Mining structured and unstructured data
-Medical data standardization
-Master data management and normalization
-Fuzzy matching
-Natural language processing
-Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for healthcare
-IoT data access and integration
-Data security and privacy
-Artificial intelligence and machine learning in healthcare
-Patient population analytics
-Chronic disease management
-Computational intelligence for healthcare big data analytics
-Benchmarking for opportunity identification
-Predictive analytics such as disease and risk identification
-Medical imaging analytics
-Preventive and proactive patient care
-Medical supply chain management
-Real time health alerts to patients
-Recommendations systems on health needs
-Data insights and visualization
-Content delivery solutions for healthcare team and/or patients
-Mobile-based health care
-Secure access to patient data
-Personalized medical care
-Patient engagement and satisfaction

Notes for Prospective Authors:
Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper has been completely re-written and if appropriate written permissions have been obtained from any copyright holders of the original paper).

All papers are refereed through a peer review process.

All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please visit the following link:

To submit a paper, please visit our online submission system at

You can find the special issue under Special Issue on: “Healthcare Evolution in Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Trends and Applications” on the pulldown menu during the submission process. If you cannot find the issue on the menu, please enter the names of the guest editors and the title of the special issue in the “Notes” box (Part D) in step 1 of the submission process.

If you have queries please do not hesitate to contact the guest editor Dr. Athina Lazakidou, Associate Professor of Health Informatics, University of Peloponnese, E-mail:

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