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AI4Function 2020 : First Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Function, Disability, and Health (AI4Function 2020) - 2nd Call for Papers


When Jan 4, 2020 - Jan 4, 2020
Where Kyoto, Japan (TBC)
Submission Deadline Jun 19, 2020
Notification Due Jul 14, 2020
Final Version Due Jul 24, 2020
Categories    artificial intelligence   medical informatics   disability and rehabilitation   computational linguistics

Call For Papers

[DEADLINE EXTENDED] The First Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Function, Disability, and Health (AI4Function) @ IJCAI-PRICAI 2020

Where: Kyoto, Japan (TBC)
When: January 2021 (dates TBD)

Submissions due -- June 19, 2020 (EXTENDED)
Notification of acceptance -- July 14, 2020
Camera-ready versions due -- July 24, 2020
Workshop -- January 2021

Submission link:

Contact email:

. . . . . . . . COVID-19 UPDATE . . . . . . . .

Due to the coronavirus crisis, IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 has been delayed until January 2021. The AI4Function workshop will be held together with IJCAI-PRICAI at that time, in a physical or virtual format.

In order to support dissemination of authors' new research results, we will be publishing the proceedings of the AI4Function workshop as planned in Summer 2020. To accommodate our community's needs during this time, we have extended our submission deadline to June 19.

The First Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Function, Disability, and Health (AI4Function 2020) invites the submission of abstracts, short and long papers describing research that focuses on applying informatics methods, artificial intelligence (AI) or data mining techniques in the area of whole-person care, disability, and functional status information. Functional Status Information (FSI) describes physical and mental wellness at the whole-person level (as opposed to the cellular or organ level), and includes information on activity performance, social role participation, and environmental and personal factors that affect well-being and quality of life. Collecting and analyzing this information is critical to addressing the data needs in caring for aging global populations, and providing effective care for individuals with chronic conditions, multi-morbidity, and disability. However, FSI has proven difficult to capture systematically within existing paradigms, leaving a space ripe for technological innovation. AI4Function is a venue for researchers cutting across data science and AI methods to discuss new ways to collect and utilize FSI within healthcare delivery, public health, and social well-being.

Relevant topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- Informatics methods applied to FSI, including information extraction, information retrieval, and classification of FSI (e.g. mobility, self-care, mental functioning)
- Applications of AI for functional status measurement
- Usage of FSI to model health outcomes/resource utilization
- Terminologies and ontologies related to functional status
- Analysis of FSI data (e.g., language data, wearable measurements)
- Combinations of multi-modal data to capture functional status

Data sources of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Medical records
- Disability and work programs
- Health and human services data
- Wearable devices
- Social media

Targeted data types include, but are not limited to:
- Unstructured (free text) narrative
- Structured medical data (e.g., lab reports, range of motion assessments)
- Semi-structured reports (e.g., state welfare visit reports)
- Standardized clinical surveys (e.g., PROMIS, AM-PAC, PHQ-9)
- Population surveys
- Wearable device measurements
- Video and audio recordings

All submissions to AI4Function should be anonymous using the EasyChair submission site ( Papers should follow IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 guidelines. Formatting guidelines, LaTeX and Word templates are available in the IJCAI authors kit:
At least one author of each accepted paper/abstract must register for and attend the workshop.

We invite three types of submissions:
- Long papers: no longer than seven pages in total: six pages for the main body of the paper (including figures), and one additional page for references that don’t fit in the six body pages. Long papers are expected to describe reports of original, unpublished research.
- Short papers: follow a 4+1 format, up to four pages for the body of the paper and one page for references that don’t fit within the four-page limit. Short papers are appropriate for preliminary results, work in progress, etc.
- Abstracts: are a maximum of two pages, including references. Unlike long/short papers, abstracts can describe previously-published research, and are a great way to present recent work to a new audience or show work in progress. For abstracts, a 75-word short description should be provided in the submission form, but does not need to be included in the abstract content.

Authors are required to submit their papers in PDF format. Papers that are longer than the page limit will be rejected without review.

All submissions to AI4Function will go through a double-blind reviewing process. Accepted abstracts will be presented in the poster session. Accepted papers will be presented as either a talk or a poster, depending on the reviewers’ recommendations.

Accepted short and long papers will be published in the workshop proceedings on CEUR-WS. We are exploring a journal track for extended versions of accepted papers (TBC).

AI4Function will adopt the IJCAI confidentiality policy, where all submissions will be treated in strict confidence until the publication date.

All individuals involved in the AI4Function review process must adhere to the IJCAI conflict of interest policy. Details can be found at

Denis Newman-Griffis (The Ohio State University / National Institutes of Health Clinical Center)
Serguei V Pakhomov (University of Minnesota)
Suzanne Tamang (Stanford University)
Ayah Zirikly (National Institutes of Health Clinical Center)
Bart Desmet (National Institutes of Health Clinical Center)
Hongfang Liu (Mayo Clinic)
Junichi Tsujii (AIST, Japan / University of Manchester)

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