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GIS LATAM 2020 : (ONLINE) The 2th International Geographic Information Systems LATAM Conferences


When Sep 28, 2020 - Sep 30, 2020
Where CDMX , GAM, México
Submission Deadline Jul 5, 2020
Notification Due Jul 15, 2020
Final Version Due Jul 23, 2020
Categories    COVID 19   spatial data science   spatial analysis   remote sensing

Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues and Authors,

We hope you and your family are well during the emergency.
As a result of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) crisis, we are
deciding to extend the deadline for paper submissions to 5th July 2020,
the publication will be in the CCIS Series of Springer ( indexed in Scopus) is
100 % sure. (More details of Series CCIS at
The Format conference will be celebrated in a virtual
format. In any case or scenery, the authors with
accepted papers will present their work in virtual mode( it
means that authors will not be required to travel; they can use a video or
videoconference tools to present their work) .
Then, one of our sponsors will give exceptional support for inscription
payment to authors with accepted paper ( from 50% to 100% of the cost of
the inscription depending on the circumstances of each author, the details
will be sent to authors with accepted paper).
The online publication of proceedings in the CCIS Series will be in October.
A brief history: That first meeting of GIS LATAM (a workshop in 2019)
provided the groundwork for the conference event in 2020. We are sure that
many of you will share and inspiring examples of work and learn from each
other's experiences.
We will do our best to create a great event that will continue to move you
and our community forward.
We are waiting for your invaluable work.
Thanks a lot
Best regards

Related Resources

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GIRST 2024   2024 3rd International Conference on Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Technology-EI/Scopus
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