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SLALOM 2020 : School on Advanced Light-Emitting and Optical Materials


When Jun 29, 2020 - Jun 30, 2020
Where St. Petersburg, Russia
Submission Deadline Apr 20, 2020
Notification Due May 15, 2020
Categories    nanophotonics   optics   light-emitting materials

Call For Papers

The third SchooL on Advanced Light-Emitting and Optical Materials (SLALOM) will be held on June 29-30, 2020 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Advanced light-emitting and optical materials, including metamaterials, is a platform for future breakthroughs in telecommunications, quantum computing, displays, photovoltaics, and biophotonics.

The world's best experts will give lectures grouped in 2-day course. The lectures will cover the fundamental and technological aspects, as well as the latest achievements in this field. The additional poster section for young participants will provide a unique opportunity for exchanging their experience with the world-leading experts.
Following the last year's successful experience the Poster session will be held again as an Electronic poster (ePoster) session.

Related Resources

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