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ICAART 2023 : 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence


Conference Series : International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence
When Feb 22, 2023 - Feb 24, 2023
Where Lisbon, Portugal
Submission Deadline Dec 15, 2022
Notification Due Dec 22, 2022
Final Version Due Jan 9, 2023
Categories    artificial intelligence   intelligent systems   multi-agent systems   AI

Call For Papers

15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART


February 22 - 24, 2023 Lisbon, Portugal


Position Papers/Regular Papers
(Due to current exceptional circumstances, the deadlines below apply to both position papers and regular papers submitted after November 1st)

Regular Paper Submission: December 15, 2022
Authors Notification (regular papers): December 6, 2022
Final Regular Paper Submission and Registration: December 20, 2022

Position Paper Submission: December 15, 2022
Authors Notification (position papers): December 22, 2022
Final Position Paper Submission and Registration: January 9, 2023

The purpose of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the theory and applications in the areas of Agents and Artificial Intelligence. Two simultaneous related tracks will be held, covering both applications and current research work. One track focuses on Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Software Platforms, Distributed Problem Solving and Distributed AI in general. The other track focuses mainly on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Representation, Planning, Learning, Scheduling, Perception Reactive AI Systems, and Evolutionary Computing and other topics related to Intelligent Systems and Computational Intelligence. A substantial amount of research work is ongoing in these knowledge areas, in an attempt to discover appropriate theories and paradigms to use in real-world applications. Much of this important work is therefore theoretical in nature. However there is nothing as practical as a good theory, as Boltzman said many years ago, and some theories have indeed made their way into practice. Informatics applications are pervasive in many areas of Artificial Intelligence and Distributed AI, including Agents and Multi-Agent Systems; This conference intends to emphasize this connection, therefore, authors are invited to highlight the benefits of Information Technology (IT) in these areas. Ideas on how to solve problems using agents and artificial intelligence, both in R&D and industrial applications, are welcome. Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques and general survey papers indicating future directions are also encouraged. Papers describing original work are invited in any of the areas listed below. Accepted papers, presented at the conference by one of the authors, will be published in the Proceedings of ICAART with an ISBN. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. Both full research reports and work-in-progress reports are welcome. There will be both oral and poster sessions. Special sessions, dedicated to case-studies and commercial presentations, as well as tutorials dedicated to technical/scientific topics are also envisaged: companies interested in presenting their products/methodologies or researchers interested in holding a tutorial are invited to contact the conference secretariat. Additional information can be found at

Conference Topics:
Area 1: Agents
- Agent Communication and Languages
- Agent Models and Architectures
- Agent Oriented Software Engineering
- Autonomous Systems
- Cognitive Robotics
- Conversational Agents
- Distributed Problem Solving
- Economic Agent Models
- Emotional Intelligence
- Group Decision Making (with cooperation, coordination, negotiation, interaction protocols)
- Intelligent Auctions and Markets
- Mobile Agents
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Privacy, Safety, Security, and Ethical Issues
- Programming Environments and Agent Platforms
- Robot and Multi-Robot Systems
- Self Organizing Systems
- Simulation
- Swarm Intelligence and Collective Intelligence
- Task Planning and Execution
- Web Intelligence and Semantic Web

Area 2: Artificial Intelligence
- AI and Creativity
- Ambient Intelligence
- Bayesian Networks
- Big Data
- Case-Based Reasoning
- Cognitive Systems
- Constraint Satisfaction
- Data Mining
- Data Science
- Deep Learning
- e-Discovery
- Evolutionary Computing
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence
- Fuzzy Systems
- Hybrid Intelligent Systems
- Industrial Applications of AI
- Intelligence and Cybersecurity
- Intelligent User Interfaces
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- Legal Technologies
- Machine Learning
- Model-Based Reasoning
- Natural Language Processing
- Neural Networks
- Ontologies
- Planning and Scheduling
- Quantum Artificial Intelligence
- Social Network Analysis
- Soft Computing
- State Space Search
- Uncertainty in AI
- Vision and Perception
- Visualization

Philippe Codognet, Japanese-French Laboratory for Informatics (JFLI) at CNRS / University of Tokyo, Japan
Valentina Presutti, University of Bologna, Italy
Marta Villegas, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain
Michael Spranger, COO of Sony AI Inc., Japan

Jaap van den Herik, Leiden University, Netherlands

Ana Paula Rocha, LIACC / FEUP, University of Porto, Portugal
Luc Steels, ICREA, Institute of Evolutionary Biology (UPF-CSIC) Barcelona, Spain


ICAART Secretariat
Address: Avenida de S. Francisco Xavier, Lote 7 Cv. C
Tel: +351 265 520 185
Fax: +351 265 520 186

Related Resources

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