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ICKB 2020 : International Conference on Knowledge and Being: Different Cultures and Different Traditions


When Jun 12, 2020 - Jun 13, 2020
Where Azerbaijan
Submission Deadline Mar 31, 2020
Notification Due Apr 20, 2020
Categories    education   higher education   different cultures

Call For Papers

Whether your interest in Higher Education research is motivated by philosophy, anthropology, sociology, psychology or another discipline we encourage a wide host of participants including PhD students, and newer and experienced researchers and scholars.

Conference themes

The conference is an investigation into how knowledge production with it a potential loss of personal and national identities, might be created and practiced through institutions of higher education.

The acceptance of different forms of knowledge production and notions of truth from different traditions is in danger of being ignored and with it the richness of humanity. This is not to decry the progress based on Western ideas of theoretical or scientific knowledge but to challenge its dominance. This might be done through multi, inter and trans-disciplinary approaches grounded knowledges which include embodied, tacit, myths. Widening forms of knowledge we take as true helps reflect the complexity of knowledge realities which exist today.

Specifically the conference will consider the contribution of indigenous knowledge that Islamic scholarship can make to a better understand of the major issues facing humanity. The object is to confront the colonisation of one dominant knowledge form, of seeking ways to influence and enrich knowledge through other traditions and to seek ways in which such knowledge and value systems can enhance humanity.

The conference having a wide disciplinary spread and engage contributions from anthropology, economics, education, theology, sociology, politics and philosophy. It will consider different traditions and value systems and different verification approaches to knowledge, truth, verification and wisdom. The conference would encourage debate between the great knowledge systems of the world; Islamic knowledge, European enlightenment and Confucianism.

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