ESTIMedia: Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia



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ESTIMedia 2010 The 8th IEEE Workshop on Embedded Systems for Real-Time Multimedia
Oct 28, 2010 - Oct 29, 2010 Scottsdale, USA Jul 11, 2010

Present CFP : 2010

The IEEE ESTIMedia'10 is organized as a part of the Embedded Systems Week 2010.

Today, the design process for high-end multimedia systems has become a crucial bottleneck due to the increasing complexity of both the software and the underlying hardware, coupled with shortened time-to-market pressures. While there has been a notable growth in the use and applications of multimedia systems and in the evolution of system-on-chip design technology, there are still enormous opportunities for improving design productivity in this domain. Given this backdrop, the aim of this workshop is to bring together people from different multimedia-related research communities (e.g, software, architectures, real-time systems, DSP, compilers, multimedia applications) who have worked separately, but did not interact sufficiently to address the challenges facing the design of hardware and software for multimedia systems.

After a very successful debut in 2003, consolidated in successive years, we hope that this eighth edition will present a good opportunity for specialists from academia and industry to contribute to this exciting research area. The program will bring together original work from both, academic and industrial research and development. As in the previous editions, papers will be accepted for 30-min oral presentation followed by interactive poster sessions.

All the accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings (electronic only) to be published by the IEEE.
Areas of Interest (but not restricted to)

* Specification and modeling of multimedia systems
* Multimedia systems design methodologies and case studies
* Circuits and architectures for embedded multimedia architectures
* Multimedia processors and reconfigurable architectures
* Emerging trends (systems-on-chip, networks-on-chip, game applications, etc.)
* Validation and verification
* Software optimization and compiler techniques
* Timing aspects of media streams
* Scheduling of media processing
* Resource and QoS management methods
* Temporal estimation and protection of media streams
* Real-time kernels, OS and middleware support

Related Resources

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IJSCMC 2025   International Journal of Soft Computing, Mathematics and Control
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