AFL: Automata and Formal Languages



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2024 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
AFL 2023 16th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages
Sep 5, 2023 - Sep 7, 2023 Eger, Hungary Jun 4, 2023
AFL 2017 15th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages
Sep 4, 2017 - Sep 6, 2017 Debrecen, Hungary May 15, 2017
AFL 2014 Automata and Formal Languages
May 27, 2014 - May 29, 2014 Szeged, Hungary Mar 14, 2014
AFL 2008 he 12th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages
May 27, 2008 - May 30, 2008 Balatonfüred, Hungary Mar 7, 2008

Present CFP : 2023

AFL 2023 - Call for Papers

16th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages

September 5 - 7, 2023, Eger, Hungary


The conference is organized by the Eszterházy Károly Catholic University
of Eger, Hungary, and the University of Szeged, Hungary.
As long as sanitary conditions allow, the conference will take place


- Submission deadline: June 4, 2023 (extended due to a number of
- Author notification: July 2, 2023
- Camera-ready deadline: July 9, 2023
- Conference: September 5 - 7, 2023


Submissions consisting of original research studying subjects
in the theory of automata and/or formal languages are welcome
for AFL 2023. Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Grammars, acceptors and transducers for strings, trees, graphs,
arrays, etc.,
- algebraic theories for automata and languages,
- combinatorial properties of words and languages,
- formal power series,
- decision problems, efficient algorithms for automata and languages.

Relations to
- complexity theory and logic,
- picture description and analysis,
- quantum computing,
- cryptography,
- concurrency.

Applications of automata and language theory in
- biology,
- natural language processing,
- and other fields.


Galina Jírásková (Slovak Academy of Sciences, Košice)
Victor Mitrana (University of Bucharest)
Andreas Maletti (Universität Leipzig)


Francine Blanchet-Sadri (UNC Greensboro)
Henning Bordihn (Universität Potsdam)
Miroslav Ćirić (University of Niš)
Erzsébet Csuhaj-Varjú (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Pál Dömösi (University of Nyíregyháza)
Gabriele Fici (Università di Palermo)
Zoltán Fülöp (University of Szeged)
Zsolt Gazdag (University of Szeged, co-chair)
Viliam Geffert (P. J. Šafárik University, Košice)
Géza Horváth (University of Debrecen)
Szabolcs Iván (University of Szeged, co-chair)
Roland Király (Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger)
Gergely Kovásznai (Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger)
Martin Kutrib (Universität Gießen)
Andreas Malcher (Universität Gießen)
Benedek Nagy (Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta;
Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger)
Chrystopher L. Nehaniv (University of Waterloo)
František Mráz (Charles University, Prague)
Giovanni Pighizzini (University of Milan)
Agustín Riscos-Nunez (Universidad de Sevilla)
Kai Salomaa (Queen's University, Kingston)
Petr Sosík (Silesian University in Opava)
Bianca Truthe (Universität Gießen)
György Vaszil (University of Debrecen)


Authors are invited to submit original research papers in electronic
form. For the paper preparation guidelines and the submission
interface, authors are referred to the webpage of the event.
Submissions will go through a usual review process.
Simultaneous submissions to other conferences or workshops
with published proceedings are not allowed.


The proceedings will be published in the
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS) series.
A special issue with revised and extended versions of
selected papers of the conference will appear in the
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (IJFCS).


Gergely Kovásznai (Eger, Hungary)



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