DESIRE: Network Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2012 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
DESIRE 2011 2nd Desire Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design
Oct 19, 2011 - Oct 21, 2011 Eindhoven, Netherlands May 17, 2011
DESIRE 2010 First Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design
Aug 16, 2010 - Aug 17, 2010 Aarhus, Denmark TBD

Present CFP : 2011

The conference theme of the second DESIRE conference is theory and practice of creative processes in design. Full papers and workshop proposals are invited on the following topics:

Methods, tools and techniques for supporting creative design processes
Methods, tools and techniques for observing and studying creative design processes
Design cases illustrating the role of creativity in design
Theoretical insights into creative design processes
Visions on teaching & research in creative design
Creativity by teams, organizations, and communities
Representations supporting creative design
The conference is organized In-Cooperation with ACM and the proceedings will be published in the ACM library.

Authors are invited to submit their papers through the conference website. Submissions for all categories should be formatted using the ACM SIGCHI publications format ( Contributions are invited in the following categories:

Workshop proposals (max 4 pages) by March 1, 2011
Long papers (max 12 pages), by May 17, 2011
Short papers (max 4 pages), by May 17, 2011
Posters (max 4 pages), exhibits (max 2 pages), workshop position papers, by Sept 16, 2011

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