Complex: International Conference on Complex Sciences



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COMPLEX 2009 The First International Conference on Complex Sciences: Theory and Applications
Feb 23, 2009 - Feb 25, 2009 Shanghai, China Sep 20, 2008

Present CFP : 2009


The interdisciplinary studies on complex systems have gained extensive research interests. Significant impacts have been made by such studies on a wide range of different areas including physics, biology, economics and social sciences, etc. While changing the way we view the world, studies on complex systems are also penetrating their influences into various engineering applications. In the long term, the way we understand and cope with the world may all be revolutionized. This conference aims to provide a unique and convenient platform for people working on theory and applications of complex systems to exchange their ideas and their latest research results. We look forward to your participation in COMPLEXâ??2009 to make this conference a success.


Papers presenting original work in, but not limited to, the following areas are invited:

* Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks
o Topology and functionality of binary and weighted networks
o Network evolution, formation and restructuring
o Network traffic dynamics and network routing
o Network robustness and vulnerability
o Clustering and community structure
* Complex Biological Systems
o Cells, gene and molecule systems
o Neuronal networks
o Epidemiology in complex systems
o Ecology systems
o Modeling evolution
* Complex Economic Systems
o Financial systems
o Financial market modeling
o Wealth and income distribution
o Growth and structure of firms
o Supply and production networks
* Complex Social Systems
o Social networks
o Dynamical models for human behaviors
o Innovation and opinion dynamics
o Terrorism and underground activities
o Languages and cultures in a complex world
* Complex Engineering Systems
o Internet and WWW as complex systems
o Current and future telecommunication systems
o Transportation systems
o Energy generation and distribution systems
o Complex system monitoring and measurements
* Complex Systems Methods
o Optimization of complex systems
o Behavior and modeling of complex adaptive systems
o System synchronization
o Multi-agent methods and new mathematical tools
o Information mining, statistical analysis of data from complex systems

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