CHES: Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2020 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
CHES 2019 International Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
Aug 25, 2019 - Aug 28, 2019 Atlanta Apr 15, 2019
CHES 2016 Conference on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2016
Aug 17, 2016 - Aug 19, 2016 Santa Barbara, CA, USA Mar 4, 2016
CHES 2015 Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
Sep 13, 2015 - Sep 16, 2015 Saint-Malo, France Mar 2, 2015
CHES 2014 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 2014
Sep 23, 2014 - Sep 26, 2014 Busan, Korea Mar 3, 2014
CHES 2012 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
Sep 9, 2012 - Sep 12, 2012 Leuven, Belgium Mar 5, 2012
CHES 2010 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems
Aug 18, 2010 - Aug 20, 2010 Santa Barbara, California, USA Mar 1, 2010

Present CFP : 2019

Download the call for papers in pdf format.

Having been established in 1999, the Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (CHES) conference is the premier venue for research on design and analysis of cryptographic hardware and software implementations. As an area conference of the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), CHES bridges the cryptographic research and engineering communities, and attracts participants from academia, industry, government and beyond. CHES 2019, marks the 20th anniversary of the CHES conference and it will take place in the city of Atlanta, U.S.A., August 25–28, 2019, immediately following CRYPTO 2019. The conference web site is accessible at

The scope of CHES is intentionally diverse, meaning we solicit submission of papers on topics including, but not limited to, the following:

Cryptographic implementations:
Hardware architectures
Cryptographic processors and co-processors
True and pseudorandom number generators
Physical unclonable functions (PUFs)
Efficient software implementations
Attacks against implementations, and countermeasures:
Side-channel attacks and countermeasures
Fault attacks and countermeasures
Hardware tampering and tamper-resistance
White-box cryptography and code obfuscation
Hardware and software reverse engineering
Tools and methodologies:
Computer aided cryptographic engineering
Verification methods and tools for secure design
Metrics for the security of embedded systems
Secure programming techniques
FPGA design security
Formal methods for secure hardware and software
Interactions between cryptographic theory and implementation issues:
New and emerging cryptographic algorithms and protocols targeting embedded devices
Special-purpose hardware for cryptanalysis
Leakage resilient cryptography
Cryptography and security for the Internet of Things (RFID, sensor networks, smart devices, smart meters, etc.)
Hardware IP protection and anti-counterfeiting
Reconfigurable hardware for cryptography
Smart card processors, systems and applications
Security for cyberphysical systems (home automation, medical implants, industrial control, etc.)
Automotive security
Secure storage devices (memories, disks, etc.)
Technologies and hardware for content protection
Trusted computing platforms
New Publication Model
As of 2018, CHES has moved to an open-access journal/conference hybrid model. Following the success of similar initiatives at analogous events such as FSE, this decision was made (by the CHES steering committee) as a means of improving review and publication quality while retaining the highly successful, community-focused event. A comprehensive set of FAQs relating to the model can be found via the TCHES website at". In summary:

Submitted papers will undergo a journal-style review process, with accepted instances then published by the Ruhr University of Bochum in an issue of the newly established journal IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES). Since it has a Gold Open Access status, all papers published in TCHES will be immediately and freely available.
The annual CHES conference will consist of presentations for each paper published in the associated issues of TCHES, plus invited talks and a range of additional and social activities.
TCHES has four submission deadlines per year; all papers accepted for publication in TCHES between 15 July of year n–1 and 15 July of year n will be presented at CHES of year n.
Upcoming deadlines relating to CHES 2019 are as follows:

IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), Volume 2019, Issue 1
Submission: 15 July 2018
Rebuttal: 20–27 August 2018
Notification: 15 September 2018
Camera-ready: 14 October 2018
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), Volume 2019, Issue 2
Submission: 15 October 2018
Rebuttal: 20–30 November 2018
Notification: 15 December 2018
Camera-ready: 14 January 2019
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), Volume 2019, Issue 3
Submission: 15 January 2019
Rebuttal: 20–27 February 2019
Notification: 15 March 2019
Camera-ready: 14 April 2019
IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems (TCHES), Volume 2019, Issue 4
Submission: 15 April 2019
Rebuttal: 20–27 May 2019
Notification: 15 June 2019
Camera-ready: 14 July 2019
Observe that the camera-ready deadline relates to accepted and conditionally accepted papers, and that all deadlines are 23:59:59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE).

Instructions for Authors
1. Submission
To submit a paper to TCHES, follow the instructions available at:

2. Format
A paper submitted to TCHES must be written in English and be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or any identifying citations. It should begin with a title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords. The introduction should summarise the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Submissions should be typeset in the LaTeX style available at noting that TCHES only accepts electronic submission in PDF format. TCHES accepts two forms of paper, termed short and long; the page limit (excluding bibliography) is 20 and 40 pages respectively. In either case, authors are encouraged to include supplementary material needed to validate the content (e.g., test vectors or source code) as an appendix: this material will not be included in the page count. In allowing long papers, the goal is to support cases where extra detail (e.g., proofs, or experimental results) is deemed essential. Authors should highlight long papers by annotating the title with “(Long Paper)”, and be aware the review process may take longer: a decision may, at the discretion of the editors-in-chief(s), be deferred to the subsequent volume.

3. Regulations
The review process for TCHES, Volume 2019, Issues 1–4, will be governed by the following regulations:

Members of the TCHES editorial board may submit one new paper per deadline (co-authored or otherwise); editor(s)-in-chief may not submit papers during their tenure.
TCHES follows IACR policy, i.e., with respect to irregular submissions: any submission deemed to be irregular (e.g., which has been submitted, in parallel, to another conference with proceedings), will be instantly rejected. TCHES follows IACR policy with respect to conflicts of interest that could prevent impartial review. A conflict of interest is considered to occur whenever one (co-)author of a submitted paper and a TCHES editorial board member
were advisee/advisor at any time,
have been affiliated to the same institution in the past 2 years,
have published 2 or more jointly authors papers in the past 3 years,
are immediate family members,
have an current, ongoing research collaboration (e.g., are members of the same research project).
IACR reserves the right to share information about submissions with other program committees and editorial boards to ensure strict enforcement of the policy.
At the time of submission, authors are required to
make a declaration regarding any conflicts of interest, and
guarantee they will deliver a presentation at the associated CHES conference if their submission is accepted for publication in TCHES.
Each paper will be double-blind reviewed by at least four members of the TCHES editorial board. In order to improve the quality of the review process, authors are given the opportunity to submit a rebuttal (between the indicated dates) after receiving the associated reviews.
The review process outcome is either an outright accept or reject decision, or one of two deferred decision types. Specifically, “minor revision” means the paper is conditionally accepted, and assigned a shepherd to verify the revision is adequate, “major revision” means the authors are invited to revise and resubmit their article to one of the following two submission deadlines, otherwise any re-submission will be treated as new.
To ensure consistency, the reviewers assigned for a revised paper are ideally the same as for the original.
Authors of submitted papers are also highly encouraged to check the TCHES FAQ for answers to questions related to policy and procedures governing CHES.
Program Chairs (
Pierre-Alain Fouque
Université Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu
263, avenue du Général Leclerc - Batiment 12
35042 Rennes Cedex
Jorge Guajardo
Robert Bosch LLC - RTC
Pittsburgh, PA 15203
General Chairs (
Vincent J. Mooney III
Georgia Institute of Technology
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
777 Atlantic Drive, NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0250
USA Patrick Schaumont
Virginia Tech
Whittemore Hall (MC 0111)
1185 Perry Street
Blacksburg VA 24061
USA Yunsi Fei
Northeastern University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Managing Editor (
Tim Güneysu
Chair for Security Engineering
Ruhr University Bochum
Dept. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology
ID 2/605, Universitätsstr. 150
44780 Bochum

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