XSym: International XML Database Symposium



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Event When Where Deadline
XSym 2009 Sixth International XML Database Symposium
Aug 24, 2009 - Aug 24, 2009 Lyon, France Apr 26, 2009

Present CFP : 2009

XSym 2009 - Sixth International XML Database Symposium
at VLDB'09 in Lyon, 24 August 2009


CALL FOR PAPERS, submission deadline April 26, 2009

The XML Database Symposium (XSym) series focuses on the convergence of database technology with XML technology, and brings together academics, practitioners, users and vendors to discuss the use and synergy between these technologies.


We solicit original contributions in the following areas:

Core Database Technology for XML Data Management
- Full text search and ranking, including IR techniques
- Approximate XML querying
- Query processing and optimization
- Indexing and access methods
- Access control and security
- Storage and compression
- Updates and integrity maintenance
- Concurrency control and recovery
- Performance evaluation
- Management of Incomplete information
- Data Cleaning

XML and Data Integration
- XML query translation
- XML and P2P
- XML and Web applications
- XML schema matching
- Mapping and Query Discovery and Evolution
- XML and Web services
- Distributed XML databases and access

Development and deployment of XML Applications
- Conceptual design: models and methodologies, expressiveness and usability
- Logical design: models and methodologies, expressiveness and usability
- Query languages, expressiveness and usability
- Streaming XML data

Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs). Previous volumes: XSym07, XSym06, XSym05, XSym04, XSym03

Papers due: April 26, 2009
Author notification: May 26, 2009
Camera Ready Copy: June 5, 2009
Symposium: Aug 24, 2009


Zohra Bellahsene -- LIRMM-CNRS/University Montpellier 2 (France)
Ela Hunt -- University of Strathclyde (Scotland)
Michael Rys -- Microsoft (USA)
Rainer Unland -- University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)

PROGRAM COMMITTEE (incomplete list)
Alfredo Cuzzocrea
Ashraf Aboulnaga
Carl-Christian Kanne
Emmanuel Waller
Elisabeth Murisasco
Giovanna Guerrini
Irini Fundulaki
Jeffrey Xu Yu
Marco Mesiti
Mirian Halfeld Ferrari Alves
Peter McBrien
Peter Wood
Sourav S Bhowmick
Stephane Bressan
Stratis Viglas
Tadeusz Pankowski
Angela Bonifati
Norman May
Zografoula Vagena
Nilesh Dalvi
Ingo Frommholz
Matthias Nicola
John Wilson
Marc Scholl


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