WSC: Winter Simulation Conference



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Event When Where Deadline
WSC 2014 Winter Simulation Conference
Dec 7, 2014 - Dec 10, 2014 Savannah, GA, USA Apr 15, 2014
WSC 2012 Winter Simulation Conference
Dec 9, 2012 - Dec 12, 2012 Berlin, Germany Apr 2, 2012
WSC 2011 Winter Simulation Conference
Dec 11, 2011 - Dec 14, 2011 Phoenix, USA Apr 15, 2011
WSC 2008 Winter Simulation Conference
Dec 7, 2008 - Dec 10, 2008 Miami, FL, USA TBD
WSC 2007 Winter Simulation Conference
Dec 9, 2007 - Dec 12, 2007 Washington, DC, USA TBD

Present CFP : 2014

WSC 2014 Call for Papers
December 7-10, Westin Savannah Harbor Resort
Savannah, GA, USA

The Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) is the premier international forum for disseminating recent advances in the field of dynamic systems modeling and simulation. In addition to a technical program of unsurpassed scope and quality, WSC provides the central meeting place for simulation practitioners, researchers and vendors. Research in modeling and simulation is propelled by fostering cross fertilization between various disciplines. The theme for WSC 2014 is “Exploring Big Data through Simulation.”

WSC 2014 will be held in Savannah, Georgia, at the Westin Savannah Harbor Golf Resort & Spa and the adjacent Savannah International Trade & Convention Center. The hotel and convention center are located on Hutchinson Island along the scenic Savannah River. Visitors can take a complimentary water ferry to explore Savannah’s landmark Historic District, where restaurants, shopping, boat tours, trolley tours and horse-drawn carriages are available.

Robert Roser is the Plenary Keynote Speaker. Dr. Roser is the Scientific Computing Division Head at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois. He will speak about the recently discovered Higgs Boson particle and the role of simulation in the discovery. He is one of the world’s leading experts on experimental particle physics.

Greg Tackett is the Military Track Keynote Speaker. Mr. Tackett is the Director of the Ballistic Missile Defense Evaluation Directorate (BMDED) and the Ballistic Missile Defense System Operational Test Agency (BMDS OTA), U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama. Mr. Tackett has full technical and managerial responsibility for operational testing and evaluation of Missile Defense Administration (MDA) capabilities, including tactical and strategic ballistic and cruise missile defense.

John Swanson is the founder of ANSYS, Inc., one of most successful simulation companies in the world. He is an authority and pioneer in the application of finite-element simulation methods to engineering.

Richard Fujimoto is a Professor and Chair of the Computational Science and Engineering Division of the College of Computing at the Georgia Institute of Technology. His research is concerned with the execution of discrete-event simulation programs on parallel and distributed computing platforms.

WSC 2014 features a comprehensive program ranging from introductory tutorials to state-of-the-art research and practice. Planned tracks are:

Introductory Tutorials
Advanced Tutorials
Simulation Education
Analysis Methodology
Modeling Methodology
Simulation Optimization
Agent-Based Simulation
Hybrid Simulation
Scientific Applications
Healthcare Applications
Logistics, SCM and Transportation
Manufacturing Applications
Military Applications
Project Management and Construction
Business Process Modeling
Homeland Security and Emergency Response
Environmental and Sustainability Applications
Networks and Communications
Serious Gaming and Simulation
Big Data Simulation and Decision Making

The PhD Colloquium, Poster Session, Vendor and Industrial Case Studies tracks provide background on established and new methods, tools and application domains. WSC 2014 will also continue to incorporate the MASM (Modeling and Analysis for Semiconductor Manufacturing) Conference, the leading modeling and analysis conference for global semiconductor manufacturing and supply chain operations.

All contributed paper submissions will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the CD-ROM version of the conference proceedings. All papers must be presented for the paper to be fully published, copyrighted and disseminated. Instructions, information, submission forms and procedures are available on the WSC website,

Contributed Paper Deadlines

April 1, 2014: Electronically submit contributed papers not previously published or presented. Each submission must be a 5- to 12-page paper, including an abstract of not more than 150 words. The page size in the proceedings is 8.5 by 11 inches (21.6 cm by 27.9 cm). The overall length of the paper should be at least 5 proceedings pages. Papers should be at most 12 pages, except for introductory tutorials, advanced tutorials, and panel sessions, for which the limit is 15 pages. Submission implies that an author will attend WSC 2014 and present the paper, and all clearance required for publication of the paper will be obtained by July 16, 2014. Use of the authors’ templates in one of the following formats is required: Microsoft Word or LaTeX. Submissions must be made through the WSC website,

June 2, 2014: Contributors will be notified whether their paper has been accepted.

July 2, 2014: Authors electronically provide a final draft for the editorial process.

July 16, 2014: Authors electronically provide a final manuscript meeting all technical and format requirements to the Proceedings Editor.

Poster and Ph.D. Colloquium Deadlines

August 18, 2014: Deadline to electronically submit 2-page extended abstracts for presentations in the Poster Session and Ph.D. Student Colloquium. Submissions must be made through the WSC website,

September 22, 2014: Notification of acceptance to authors (including details about submitting slides, and formats of the posters).

October 6, 2014: Final extended abstracts due.

October 27, 2014: Slides for the Poster Madness session due.

December 7, 2014: Bring your poster to the WSC 2014.

For even more news and information, visit and bookmark our website,

Steve Buckley John Miller
WSC 2014 General Chair WSC 2014 Program Chair

WSC 2014 is sponsored by ACM/SIGSIM, ASA (Technical Co-Sponsor), ASIM (Technical Co-Sponsor), IEEE/SMC (Technical Co-Sponsor), IIE, INFORMS-SIM, NIST (Technical Co-Sponsor) and SCS.

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