WebPRES: Web Personalization and Recommender Systems



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WebPRES 2010 Workshop on Web Personalization and Recommender Systems
Aug 31, 2010 - Aug 31, 2010 Toronto, Canada Apr 16, 2010

Present CFP : 2010

Workshop on Web Personalization and Recommender Systems (WebPRES'10)
in conjunction with the 2010 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
Web Intelligence (WI'10) and Agent Technology (IAT'10)

August 31, 2010, Toronto, Canada

Homepage: http://www.webpres-workshop.com/


Nowadays, the abundance and popularity of Web applications, such as
blogs, discussion forums, social and professional networks, flood
users with huge volumes of information and various new sources of
knowledge, and hence pose a great challenge of information
overloading. Web personalization and recommender systems are two
important technologies that attempt to cope with such information
overloading problem in Web intelligence. Web personalization systems
serve users with consideration of user personal interests and
preferences; recommender systems suggest Web users information and
products in accordance with their personal demands.

For the recent years, many groups have invested a great deal of
effort on the topics related to these areas and have made
significant achievements. However, challenging problems still exist
and wait for solutions, including how to make breakthrough on the
current research, how to marry Web personalization to recommender
systems, and how to commercialize the existing techniques of Web
personalization to recommender technology. There also remain
difficulties limiting the full exploitation of personalization and
resource selection through recommendation arises both from the
technology perspective and from the human and social perspective.

Targeting on these emerging problems, this workshop brings together
academic researchers and industrial practitioners and aims to
strengthen the research on Web personalization and recommender
systems, in particular:
- To exchange ideas about past, present and future trends in Web
personalization and recommender systems;
- To share research and techniques used to develop effective
recommenders, from algorithms, through user interfaces, to
- To discuss new and innovative approaches.

Topics of Interest


- User behaviour modelling
- Collaborative and content based filtering
- Clustering in recommender systems
- Hybrid recommender systems
- Security and trust in recommender systems
- Adaptive user interfaces and personalization techniques
- Recommender systems in negotiation and auctions
- Explanation and justification in recommender systems
- Distributed and peer-to-peer recommender systems
- Recommender applications for social media sites (e.g., people
and community recommenders)
- Social awareness and visualization
- Personalized ontology learning and mining
- Measuring personalization effectiveness
- Evaluation methods for recommender systems

On-Line Submissions and Publication

Paper submissions should be limited to a maximum of 4 pages (only
one more page is available and extra payment is required for the
extra page). The papers must be in English and should be formatted
according to the IEEE 2-column format. All submitted papers will
be reviewed by at least 2 program committee members on the basis
of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. The
workshop only accepts on-line submissions. Please use the
Submission Form on the WI'10 website to submit your paper.

All accepted papers will be included in the Workshop Proceedings
published by the IEEE Computer Society Press.

Important Dates

Full paper submission deadline: *** 16 April 2010 ***

Notification of acceptance to authors: 7 June 2010
Camera-ready of accepted papers: 21 June 2010
Workshop: 31 August 2010

Conference Organization

Program Committee (to be extented)
* Esma Aimeur (Universit¨¦ de Montr¨¦al, Canada)
* Sarabjot Singh Anand (University of Warwick, UK)
* Longbin Cao (University of Technology, Sydney, Australia)
* Raymond Y. K. Lau (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
* Yuefeng Li (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
* Jiming Liu (Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong)
* Yang Liu (York University, Canada)
* Stuart E. Middleton (University of Southampton, UK)
* Giovanni Semeraro (University of Bari, Italy)
* Yue Xu (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
* Markus Zanker (University Klagenfurt, Austria)
* Daniel Zeng (The University of Arizona USA)
* Songmao Zhang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
* Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)

Workshop Co-Chairs:
* Xiaohui (Daniel) Tao
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Email: x.tao@qut.edu.au
* Xujuan (Susan) Zhou
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
Email: x.zhou@qut.edu.au
* Sheng-Tang (Sam) Wu
Asia University, Taiwan
Email: swu@asia.edu.tw
* Luke Liming Chen
University of Ulster, Northern Ireland
Email: l.chen@ulster.ac.uk

*** Contact Information ***

Email: Xiaohui (Daniel) Tao x.tao@qut.edu.au

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