TQC: Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2021 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
TQC 2020 15th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography
Jun 9, 2020 - Jun 12, 2020 Riga, Latvia Feb 15, 2020
TQC 2019 The 14th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography
Jun 3, 2019 - Jun 5, 2019 University of Maryland, USA Feb 8, 2019
TQC 2018 The 13th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography
Jul 16, 2018 - Jul 18, 2018 Sydney, Australia Mar 20, 2018
TQC 2015 Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography
May 20, 2015 - May 22, 2015 Brussels, Belgium Feb 6, 2015
TQC 2011 The 6th Conference on Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography
May 24, 2011 - May 26, 2011 Madrid, Spain Jan 24, 2011

Present CFP : 2020

The 15th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptography (TQC 2020)

University of Latvia,
Riga, Latvia
June 9–12, 2020


This is the fifteenth in a series of conferences that aims to bring together the leading researchers in the areas of quantum computation, quantum communication and quantum cryptography. TQC covers all theoretical aspects of quantum information.

Areas of interest include, but are not restricted to:

quantum algorithms
models of quantum computation
quantum complexity theory
simulation of quantum systems
quantum cryptography
quantum communication
quantum information theory
quantum estimation and measurement
intersection of quantum information and condensed-matter theory
quantum coding theory
fault-tolerant quantum computing
entanglement theory

Important dates (AoE, anywhere on earth):

Paper/Talk/Early-Poster submission deadline: February 15, 2020
Decision notification: March 30, 2020
Final manuscript deadline: April 17, 2020
Late-Poster submission deadline: April 24, 2020
Late-Poster decision notification: May 8, 2020

Two tracks: Conference (talk + proceedings) and Workshop (talk only). As the goal of TQC is to bring together researchers on all aspects of quantum information, submissions are solicited for two tracks:

CONFERENCE TRACK (talk + proceedings): Submissions to this track must be original papers that have not previously appeared in published form. Accepted papers will be presented orally at the conference and will appear in the conference proceedings. The PC will target a minimum of 10 articles to be published in the proceedings and therefore the acceptance rates could differ between the two tracks.

Submission format: The length of the submission must be at most 15 pages excluding bibliography and appendices. The text must be in a single column format, use at least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins. The submission should begin with a title, a list of authors, and a short abstract. The introduction should summarize the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Submissions should be in PDF format.

WORKSHOP TRACK (talk only): We solicit submissions for talk-only papers; accepted submissions will be presented orally at the conference but will not appear in the proceedings. This track allows authors to publish their work elsewhere and accepts previously published material. Previously published submissions must still be current to be competitive for acceptance.

Submission format: Submission should consist of a 3-4 page extended abstract (including references) and a technical version, both with at least 11-point fonts and reasonable margins. The extended abstract should contain a non-technical, clear and insightful description of the main ideas, results, and their impact. The technical version will be considered only at the discretion of the program committee. Both the abstract and the technical version should be uploaded as a single PDF file. If the work corresponding to the submission is published, has been submitted elsewhere, or appears on arXiv, then it should be indicated on the first page of the submission.

Depending on submissions received, preference may be given to submissions to the Conference Track. In recent years the overall acceptance rate for all papers submitted to TQC has been approximately 25%. One of the Conference Track submissions will be selected for an OUTSTANDING PAPER PRIZE.

We also solicit poster-only submissions:

POSTER: Submissions must either consist of a short summary (2-3 pages) of the work, or follow the guidelines from either of the tracks above. If the work corresponding to the submission is published, has been submitted elsewhere, or appears on arXiv, then it should be indicated on the first page of the submission. Talk submissions that are not retained will automatically be considered for the poster session. Authors of poster submissions made before the Early-Poster submission deadline will be notified by the Decision notification date. A Late-Poster round allows for much later submissions (and notification) for posters only.

This year, TQC will experiment with partial open reviews for accepted papers only:

OPEN REVIEW POLICY: For papers that are accepted to TQC, we will post the anonymous referee reports on the website SciRate.com with the arXiv version of the accepted paper. These will be posted shortly after the conference to ensure that most accepted papers have appeared on the arXiv. These reports will be edited for content by the PC before being posted and will be signed by the PC as a whole, but they might not include the entire PC discussion. This style of partial open review was done previously for TQC 2014, and the reviews can be read here: https://scirate.com/tqc-2014-program-committee.

No reviews will be posted for posters or for papers that are rejected. Note that SciRate has open commenting, so this will also give authors of accepted papers an opportunity to address all the comments provided by the referees if they so choose. One of the main purposes of publishing reviews in this way is to help create a resource for quantum information that is similar to the AMS’s MathSciNet.

All submissions for talks or posters must be made electronically through the online submission system EasyChair.

Please direct any questions or comments to the PC chair at tqc2020@easychair.org

Program committee:

Victor Albert (Caltech)
Rotem Arnon-Friedman (Berkeley)
Salman Beigi (IPM, Tehran)
Chris Chubb (Sherbrooke)
Elizabeth Crosson (New Mexico)
Gemma De las Cuevas (Innsbruck)
Lídia del Rio (ETH Zurich)
Steven Flammia (University of Sydney, Chair)
Keisuke Fujii (Kyoto University)
David Gosset (Waterloo, Co-Chair)
Markus Grassl (Gdańsk)
Min-Hsiu Hsieh (University of Technology, Sydney)
Shelby Kimmel (Middlebury)
Martin Kliesch (Düsseldorf)
Cécilia Lancien (Toulouse)
Prabha Mandayam (IIT Madras)
Ashley Montanaro (Bristol)
Hui Khoon Ng (NUS)
Mark Wilde (Louisiana State)
Xiaodi Wu (Maryland)
Sisi Zhou (Chicago)

(* several more members to be confirmed)

Local organizing committee (University of Latvia):

Andris Ambainis (Latvia, chair)
Kaspars Čikste (Latvia)
Jelena Polakova (Latvia)
Juris Smotrovs (Latvia)
Aleksandrs Rivoss (Latvia)

Steering committee:

Gorjan Alagic (Maryland)
Andris Ambainis (Latvia)
Anne Broadbent (uOttawa, chair)
Aram Harrow (MIT)
Stacey Jeffery (QuSoft, CWI)
Laura Mančinska (Copenhagen)
Marco Tomamichel (UTS)


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