SWPM: Semantic Web in Provenance Management



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Event When Where Deadline
SWPM 2012 The Third International Workshop on the role of Semantic Web in Provenance Management
May 27, 2012 - May 27, 2012 Heraklion, Greece Mar 4, 2012
SWPM 2010 The Second International Workshop on Role of Semantic Web in Provenance Management
Nov 7, 2010 - Nov 7, 2010 Shangai, China Aug 27, 2010
SWPM 2009 The First International Workshop on Role of Semantic Web in Provenance Management
Oct 25, 2009 - Oct 26, 2009 Washington, DC, USA Jul 31, 2009

Present CFP : 2012

********* The First Call for Papers: SWPM2012 *********
The Third International Workshop on the role of Semantic Web in Provenance Management
website: https://sites.google.com/site/swpm2012/
e-mail: swpm2012@googlegroups.com

Held in conjunction with the 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC-2012
website: http://2012.eswc-conferences.org/

Submission deadline: 4th March 2012
Notification of acceptance: 1st April 2012
Deadline for camera-ready copy: 15 April 2012
Workshop day: 27 (or 28) May 2012

The current Knowledge Economy is encouraging organizations and
governments to publish and expose their data, make them accessible to
the public and reusable for new, unanticipated purposes. Initiatives
like the Linked Open Data (LOD) and eScience have created a vast
amount of information that can be leveraged by Semantic Web
applications in a variety of real world scenarios. The importance of
managing various forms of metadata has long been recognized as
critical in the Semantic Web. In this workshop we focus specifically
on metadata that describes the origins of the data, i.e. the
provenance of data. Provenance metadata is essential to correctly
interpret the results of a process execution, to validate data
processing tools, to verify the quality of data, and to associate
measures of trust to the data. At the same time, the scale at which
data across different domains (e.g. biomedical informatics, astronomy,
oceanography and etc) is created along with the rapidly increasing LOD
cloud mandates the processing and analysis of provenance metadata in a
scalable way.

SWPM'12 follows on from two successful editions, co-located with the
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). The workshop has the
following complementary objectives:

(1) to explore the opportunities offered by the Semantic Web
technologies in the context of the management and exploitation of

(2) to explore the role of provenance in real-world Semantic Web

Additionally, we will organize in this edition a panel on PROV-DM, the
provenance model that is currently being developed by the W3C
provenance working group and which is on the W3C recommendation
track. The aim is to discuss and to identify the opportunities PROV-DM
presents in leveraging semantic web applications.

The workshop solicits the submission of original research papers
dealing with analytical, theoretical, and practical aspects of
provenance management using Semantic Web.

- Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Use of provenance information in real-world applications
- Reasoning with provenance for assessing trustworthiness,
reliability, and quality of data
- Large scale storage and efficient querying of provenance
- Interoperability and propagation of provenance across applications
- Provenance infrastructure for eScience, social media, business, Web
applications, and scientific discourse
- Tools for visualizing and browsing provenance information
- Provenance summarization to aid usability and scalability

We invite full research and experience papers (up to 10 pages) and
short papers (up to 6 pages) describing research in progress.

We also encourage the submission of demos of prototypes and working
systems (2 pages).

All papers must be formatted using LNCS and should be submitted using easychair.
Easychair link: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=swpm2012
The workshop proceedings will be part published by CEUR.

- Chairs
Prof. Amit Sheth
Prof. Tim Finin
- Organizing Committee:
Khalid Belhajjame, University of Manchester, UK
Jose Manuel Gomez?Perez, iSOCO, Spain
Paolo Missier, Newcastle University, UK
Satya S. Sahoo, Case Western Reserve University, USA
Jun Zhao, University of Oxford, UK.


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