SOSE: Service Oriented Software Engineering



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All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
SOSE 2022 Service Oriented Software Engineering
Aug 15, 2022 - Aug 18, 2022 San Francisco, US May 8, 2022
SOSE 2019 13th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering
Apr 4, 2019 - Apr 9, 2019 San Francisco Nov 30, 2018
SOSE 2018 12th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering
Mar 26, 2018 - Mar 29, 2018 Bamberg, Germany Dec 6, 2017
SOSE 2017 11th IEEE(?) International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering
Apr 6, 2017 - Apr 9, 2017 San Francisco, USA Nov 1, 2016
SOSE 2015 9th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering (SOSE 2015) - extended deadline Dec 16, 2014
Mar 30, 2015 - Apr 3, 2015 San Francisco Bay, USA Dec 16, 2014
SOSE 2014 8th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering
Apr 7, 2014 - Apr 11, 2014 Oxford, UK Nov 17, 2013
SOSE 2013 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Service Oriented System Engineering
Mar 25, 2013 - Mar 28, 2013 San Francisco Bay, Redwood City, CA, USA Oct 15, 2012
SOSE 2011 IEEE 6th International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering
Dec 12, 2011 - Dec 14, 2011 Irving, CA, USA Jul 20, 2011
SOSE 2010 5th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering
Jun 4, 2010 - Jun 5, 2010 Nanjing, China Jan 11, 2009

Present CFP : 2022

IEEE SOSE 2022: CALL FOR PAPERS [Apologies for cross-postings]


16th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering
date and location: 15-18 August 2022, San Francisco Bay Area


Important Dates

Full paper submission May 8, 2022
Paper acceptance notification June 8, 2022
Author registration July 1, 2022
Main conference August 15-18, 2022


Service-Oriented Computing exploits services as the fundamental elements of computer-based systems.
It has been applied to various areas and promotes fundamental changes to the way software systems are being analyzed,
architected, designed, implemented, tested, evaluated, delivered, consumed, maintained and evolved. Consequently,
a new paradigm of software and system engineering discipline, i.e., Service-Oriented Engineering, has emerged and
advanced rapidly in the past decade. Among many remarkable milestones in the development of this new paradigm are
the wide adoption of the Microservices architectural style supported by Docker and other container-based virtualization
techniques in the design of cloud native applications in the industry, and the DevOps movement in the organization of
development processes supported by automated tools for continuous testing, continuous integration, and continuous delivery.
Recent advances in Service-Oriented Computing (SOC), in particular Internet-of-Things, Industry 4.0, Edge and Fog computing,
mobile and cloud computing combined with Big Data analytics, robotics, blockchain and decentralized ledger applications,
and application of artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques, etc., have provided exciting opportunities to
make significant progress in understanding and solving complex real-world challenges. Such challenges typically require
a system-level approach that models a complex system at different levels of abstraction, helps to develop sound architectures
for addressing separate system requirements and concerns, and integrates diverse sources of knowledge in the system’s
components and their interactions. Therefore, the revolution of the software and system engineering paradigm brought by
service-orientation is still unfolding, with each new technology development bringing new challenges and opportunities.

Starting from 2005, SOSE is a pioneering IEEE sponsored international conference devoted to the research in engineering
service-oriented systems. It covers all aspects of Service-Oriented Engineering from architectures, techniques, tools
and languages to methodologies. Continuing the tradition of the last fifteen editions of SOSE Symposia, the 16th SOSE
intends to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange latest observations, insights, achievements and
visions in Service-Oriented System Engineering. SOSE 2022 invites original submissions in all the areas of the system
engineering and software engineering methods, techniques, tools, applications, and experiments for software services.
Topics of interest

Track 1: Advanced Models for Service Engineering

Microservices architecture, deployment and management
Serverless Computing
DevOps and service engineering
Model-driven development of service-oriented systems
End-user development and mashup of software services
Lifecycle models, reusability, and scalability for services
Coordination and cooperation of services
Efficient scheduling of services
Services infrastructure for big data
Service ecosystem models and analytics

Track 2: Computing Environments and Virtualization

Container-based virtualization
Programming models, languages, tools and platforms
Architecture of Internet-based virtual computing environments
Large scale computing and analytics
Architectural and detailed designs of services and code generation of service software

Track 3: Methods, Languages & Tools for process-based SOC systems

Transboundary service innovation models
Business process integration, alignment & management in SOAs
Methods, languages & tools for building SOC systems
Metrics and measurement of services, QoS, and QoE
Runtime verification, validation, and monitoring
Service Engineering for Systems with AI components
Dynamic service delivery and evolution
Service customization and personalization
Service mobility, scalability, elasticity, and security
Operation and governance for large-scale service-oriented systems
Adaptation, control, and optimization of service-oriented systems
Modernization, migration, and servitization of legacy systems
Service-oriented system engineering for large-scale analytics
Service-oriented engineering and clouds
DevOps environments for service-based systems
Construction, deployment, operation, and maintenance of service-oriented systems

Track 4: Service-based Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

Edge computing and fog computing
Paradigms, concepts, and services for Osmotic Computing and Liquid Software
Software and system engineering for CPS
REST APIs and services for CPS
Mobile services for CPS
System modelling and simulation
Data management for CPS
Dependable network and system architectures for CPS

Track 5: Intelligent Services for a Smart World

Smart home, smart office, smart city, smart industry
Intelligent services architectures and provisioning models
Smart systems programming models and methodologies
Swarm intelligence
Context-aware services
Nature-inspired intelligent services
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Quality of data (QoD)
Intelligent conversional bots
Deep learning services

Track 6: Security Engineering for Service Systems

Security, dependability, and reliability
Trust, reputation, and incentive mechanisms
Blockchain-enabled mechanisms and infrastructure
Enterprise business architecture and solution frameworks
Case studies, experiments, and evaluation of service-oriented system
Testing, verification, validation and QA in the development of service-oriented systems
Measurements and metrics of QoS in SOA-based application systems
Governance and policies in service-orientedsoftware development

Track 7: Practical Experiences

Innovative service applications and experiences
Service-oriented systems for Industry 4.0
Methodology and engineering principles of service-oriented systems
Engineering techniques and tools to support the publishing, discovery and composition of services

Types of Papers

Regular Research Papers

Research papers must be written in English and be no more than 10 pages in length, report on new research
not published elsewhere. The topics of research papers may of any topic or related theme as listed above.

Work in Progress and Vision papers

As the field covered by SOSE develops rapidly it is always useful to provide authors with an opportunity to
present early ideas to the community and obtain feedback and guidance on direction.
SOSE 2022 also encourages vision papers which discuss future and emerging issues, including emerging paradigms,
technologies, and applications. To enable this dimension, we are inviting work in progress paper submissions not
exceeding 5 pages in length and cognate with any of the topics mentioned above. The title in the submission for
review should be prefaced with “WIP” to aid reviewers.

Industry Practice / Case Study Papers

SOSE 2022 encourages papers reporting on industrial practice, case studies, empirical research and practical
experiences in service engineering. Industry papers and case studies should be between 6-10 pages in length.
The topics should relate to the set of topics of the research papers in order to initiate discussions among
practitioners and academics.

Related Resources

ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
IEEE-Ei/Scopus-ITCC 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Information Technology and Cloud Computing (ITCC 2025)-EI Compendex
AIAT 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Application Technologies (AIAT 2025)
LLM-SOA 2025   LLM-SOA@CAiSE 2025: 1st Workshop on Large Language Models for Service-Oriented Architectures and Systems Design @ CAiSE 2025
NLPA 2025   6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Applications
ICSE 2026   The International Conference on Software Engineering - Second Cycle
IEEE ICMLT 2025   IEEE--2025 10th International Conference on Machine Learning Technologies (ICMLT 2025)
ICCR--EI 2025   2025 7th International Conference on Control and Robotics (ICCR 2025)
VLSIA 2025   11th International Conference on VLSI and Applications
ISORC 2025   International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing