SDKB: Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases



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Event When Where Deadline
SDKB 2011 5th International Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases
Jul 3, 2011 - Jul 8, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland Apr 15, 2011 (Apr 8, 2011)
SDKB 2010 International Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases
Jul 5, 2010 - Jul 5, 2010 Bordeaux, France Apr 16, 2010 (Apr 9, 2010)
SDKB 2008 International Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases
Mar 29, 2008 - Mar 29, 2008 Nantes, France Dec 14, 2007 (Dec 10, 2007)

Present CFP : 2011


5th International Workshop on Semantics in Data and Knowledge Bases (SDKB)

co-located with ICALP 2011 (38th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming)
July 3-8, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland

The SDKB workshop tries to bring together researchers in the areas of data and knowledge bases who work on aspects of semantics. In particular, the workshop seeks original contributions demonstrating the use of logic, discrete mathematics, combinatorics, domain theory and other mathematical theories of semantics for database and knowledge bases, computational linguistics and semiotics, and information and knowledge-based systems.

Topics of research papers can be (but are not limited to) the following:

- Finite model theory
- Massive parallel data- and knowledge intensive processes
- Complex object machine learning
- Formal models for data and knowledge bases
- Formal Methods for data and knowledge base design
- Reasoning about data and knowledge base dynamics
- Adaptivity for personalised data and knowledge bases
- Information integration in data and knowledge bases
- Validation and Verification of data and knowledge base designs
- Formal linguistics for data and knowledge bases
- Logical and mathematical foundations of semantics
- Semantics in data- and knowledge-intensive applications
- Probabilistic data and knowledge bases
- Semantics discovery in data and knowledge bases
- Semantics of "semantics", "knowledge" and "information"

The SDKB workshop follows the successful "Semantics in Databases" workshops, proceedings of which were published by Springer-Verlag in the LNCS series, volumes 1358, 2582, and 4925. The post-conference proceedings of SDKB 2010 will appear soon.


Authors are cordially invited to submit original research papers in PDF using the electronic submission system, which is available through the workshop website. All initial submissions have to be in PDF format. The final submissions have to be in LaTeX format. The paper must be formatted according to LNCS style, which can be found at"teaserId=45515"CENTER_ID=73062

The length of the final camera-ready version will be strictly limited to 16 pages in LNCS style; paper submissions should not exceed 18 pages using this style.

Simultaneous submission to any other conference, workshop or journal is strictly excluded. In case a double submission is discovered, the corresponding paper will immediately be rejected.

We invite the submission of unpublished high quality research or industrial experience papers that neither are under consideration for publication nor are going to be submitted for such consideration elsewhere. It is intended to publish the accepted papers in a Springer LNCS workshop volume dedicated to ICALP 2011.

Workshop Organizers

* Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Software Competence Centre Hagenberg, Austria
* Bernhard Thalheim, Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany

Program committee

* Paolo Atzeni, Italy
* Nicole Bidoit-Tollu, France
* Andrea Cali, UK
* Alvaro Cortes Calabuig, Belgium
* Hendrik Decker, Spain
* Victor Felea, Romania
* Flavio Ferrarotti, New Zealand
* Edward Hermann Haeussler, Brazil
* Stephen Hegner, Sweden
* Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Germany
* Bart Kuijpers, Belgium
* Carlo Meghini, Italy
* Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Austria (co-chair)
* Letizia Tanca, Italy
* Bernhard Thalheim, Germany (co-chair)
* Junhu Wang, Australia
* Qing Wang, New Zealand

Important Dates

Abstract submission: April 8, 2011
Full paper submission: April 15, 2011
Author Notification: May 20, 2011
Camera-ready paper submission: June 3, 2011
Workshop: July 3, 2011

Further information

Workshop web site:
ICALP 2011 web site:

Related Resources

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