AUIC: Australasian User Interface Conference



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Future:  Post a CFP for 2017 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


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Event When Where Deadline
AUIC 2016 17th Australasian User Interface Conference
Feb 2, 2016 - Feb 5, 2016 Australian National University (ANU), Ca Aug 14, 2015
AUIC 2015 Sixteenth Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC) 2015
Jan 27, 2015 - Jan 30, 2015 Parramatta Sep 1, 2014
AUIC 2013 Australasian User Interface Conference
Jan 29, 2013 - Feb 1, 2013 Adelaide, Australia Aug 13, 2012

Present CFP : 2016

The Australasian User Interface Conference (AUIC) is the forum for user interface researchers and practitioners at the Australasian Computer Science Week (ACSW 2016). AUIC provides an opportunity for workers in the areas of HCI, CSCW, and pervasive computing to meet with colleagues and with others in the broader computer science community.

We will be publishing via the ACM conference publication series for the first time, which will ensure good visibility of published papers.

-Scope and Topics-
We welcome original full papers no longer than 10 pages or short papers no longer than 4 pages describing research or innovative practice, and demonstrations. AUIC invites participation and submissions from researchers and practitioners with an interest in techniques, tools, and technology for improving user interfaces over a wide range of areas, including the following:
• User interface architectures, tools, techniques, and technologies, and their use in complex systems
• Usability and evaluations
• Innovative applications and user interfaces, e.g., AR/VR, multimedia, and adaptive interfaces
• Distributed interfaces, including the World Wide Web
• HCI education
• Ambient and highly mobile devices, e.g., PDAs, wearable computers
• CSCW, group work, groupware, and computer-mediated human communication
• Novel visual and graphical user interfaces
• Novel applications using vision-based interfaces, accelerometers, and gyroscopes

-Submission Guidelines-
Papers should be no more than 10 pages in length for full papers, or 4 pages in length for short papers. The authors should conform to the formatting instructions specified on the ACSW Submission Information page.

Papers are submitted as PDF documents through the EasyChair conference management system (AUIC@ACSW 2016 Paper Submission). Each paper will be judged on its originality, significance, technical quality, relevance to AUIC, and presentation.
Please note that it is ACSW policy that at least one author of all accepted papers to the conferences and workshops in the series would both register and present at the event concerned. Failure to do so without a reason acceptable to the organisers of the event will result in the paper being retrospectively withdrawn from both the proceedings and all citation sources. It is also ACSW policy that all papers be original and not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Once again, we reserve the right to retrospectively withdraw a paper from the proceedings if we later find this not to be the case.

Rachel Blagojevic, Massey University
Thuong Hoang, University of Melbourne

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