SARA: Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation and Approximation



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Event When Where Deadline
SARA 2013 10th Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation
Jul 11, 2013 - Jul 12, 2013 Seattle Apr 19, 2013
SARA 2011 Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation (Ranked as B, CORE 2008)
Jul 17, 2011 - Jul 18, 2011 Barcelona, Spain Apr 15, 2011

Present CFP : 2013


10th Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation
Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort, Leavenworth, Washington, USA

The 10th Symposium on Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation
will be held on 11-12 July 2013 at the Sleeping Lady mountain resort
in Leavenworth, Washington, near Seattle USA. SARA 2013 will share
some sessions with the collocated Symposium on Combinatorial Search
(SoCS 2013), which is to be held 12-13 July. SARA also occurs
immediately before, and is conveniently located for, AAAI 2013 in

The Symposium will consist primarily of paper presentations, poster
presentations, discussion sessions, and invited presentations.

The aim of the Symposium is to provide a forum for interaction among
researchers in all areas of Artificial Intelligence and Computer
Science with an interest in Abstraction, Reformulation, or
Approximation (ARA). Topics include (1) the theory of Abstraction,
Reformulation, and Approximation, (2) methods for selecting which of
several applicable ARA techniques is best for a given problem, (3)
techniques for automatically constructing and selecting appropriate
abstractions, reformulations, and approximations, (4) empirical and
theoretical studies of the costs and benefits of ARA, and (5)
applications of ARA to automated reasoning, automatic programming,
cognitive modeling, constraint programming, constraint satisfaction,
databases, design, diagnosis, general game playing, general problem
solving, machine learning, planning, robotics, scheduling, search,
simulation, theorem proving.

Submission ------------------------------------------------------------

Researchers who wish to present work at the symposium must submit in
one of the following forms:

Full paper: Full paper submissions must report on substantial,
original research that is not published, accepted for
publication or under review in an archival publication.

Extended abstract: Extended abstracts on research that will be
submitted to, has been submitted to, or has already
been published in archival conferences or journals.
Please indicate in your submission if it is an
extended abstract. These abstracts must not be
reproductions of another publication; rather they
should summarise the work in a form accessible to the
ARA community.

Research summary: Researchers should submit a short report
describing research questions that they are engaged
in that is relevant to ARA.

Full papers should not exceed 8 pages in AAAI format; extended
abstracts should not exceed 4 pages (we encourage shorter abstracts
where appropriate); and research summaries should not exceed 2 pages.

Submission is via easychair in AAAI format:

Prior to submission, we require a that a short abstract (less than 200 words)
is submitted at the easychair site. Deadlines are set below.

Important Dates -------------------------------------------------------

Abstracts: 12 April 2013
Submissions: 19 April 2013
Notification: 17 May 2013
Workshop: 11-12 July 2013

Organisation ---------------------------------------------------------


Alan Frisch (program chair)
Peter Gregory (program chair)
Mausam (local chair)

Program Committee

Roman Bartak
Berthe Choueiry
Lukas Chrpa
Stefan Edelkamp
Michael Genesereth
Enrico Giunchiglia
Rob Holte
Chris Jefferson
Sven Koenig
Lars Kotthoff
Ian Miguel
Martijn Van Otterlo
Steven Prestwich
Andrea Rendl
Peter Revesz
Ashish Sabharwal
Lorenza Saitta
Nathan Sturtevant
Pascal van Hentenryck
Miroslav Velev
Mateu Villeret
Toby Walsh
Jean-Daniel Zucker

Related Resources

Analogy-Angle 2025   The Second Workshop on Analogical Abstraction in Cognition, Perception, and Language