PAVLAD: Privacy and Anonymity for Very Large Databases



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Event When Where Deadline
PAVLAD 2009 1st ACM International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for Very Large Datasets
Nov 6, 2009 - Nov 6, 2009 Hong Kong, China Jul 13, 2009

Present CFP : 2009

1st ACM International Workshop on Privacy and Anonymity for Very Large
Datasets (PAVLAD 2009)
6th November 2009, Hong Kong, China.

[In conjunction with ACM 18th Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management (CIKM)]
Deadline for paper submission: July 13, 2009
Acceptance notifications: August 10, 2009
Camera-ready paper submission: August 15, 2009
PAVLAD'09 Workshop: November 6, 2009


With the increase of available public data sources and the interest for
analyzing them, privacy issues are becoming the eye of the storm in many
applications. Statistical agencies, for instance, are collecting large
amounts of personal information that have to be protected before their
publication. Different forms of algorithms and techniques have been
proposed in the literature to tackle this problem. The growing
accessibility to high-capacity storage devices allows to keep more
detailed information from many areas. While this enriches the
information and conclusions extracted from this data, helping in
everyday decision making processes in enterprises and many other
organizations, it poses a serious problem for most of the previous work
presented up to now regarding privacy, focused on quality and paying
little attention to performance aspects.

In this workshop, we want to gather researchers in the areas of data
privacy and anonymization together with researchers in the area of high
performance and very large data volumes management. We seek to collect
the most recent advances in data privacy and anonymization (i.e.
anonymization techniques, statistics disclosure techniques, privacy in
social networks, privacy in graphs, etc) and those in High Performance
and Data Management (algorithms and structures for efficient data
management, parallelism exploitation, distributed systems, etc).

Topics of interest include everything involving privacy and anonymity
issues arising in the design, development and deployment of managing
very large datasets. Some examples are the following:

* Efficient Privacy-Enhancing Techniques
* Efficient Statistical Disclosure Control Techniques
* Data Structures for Improving Performance in Privacy
* Privacy and Anonymity on Very Large Graphs
* Privacy and Anonymity in Social Networks
* Privacy and Anonymity on the Internet
* Privacy and Anonymity in Health and Medical Databases
* Privacy Preserving Data/Text Mining for Large Datasets
* Parallelism Exploitation Techniques for Privacy and Anonymity
* Privacy and Anonymity on Distributed Databases
* Streaming Data Anonymization
* Data sharing via Anonymization


Manuscripts should be formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates
(both forMS word and Latex) available at There are
two styles on the website. Both the Strict Adherence to SIGS and the
Tighter Alternate style are allowed. Manuscripts should be submitted in
PDF format using EasyChair web site by July 13th.

Papers will be reviewed by the program committee for their technical
merit, originality, significance, readability, and relevance to the
workshop. Authors will receive notification of acceptance/rejection via
e-mail by August 10. Camera-ready copies of accepted papers are due on
August 15th. Workshop proceedings will be printed on CD, together with
the main CIKM 2009 proceedings by ACM. The maximum length of final
papers will be 8 pages in double column. It is expected that the three
best papers presented in PAVLAD 2009 will be considered for a journal
special issue.


Thanks to support from the UNESCO Chair in Data Privacy, we are able to
offer grants to offset some of the costs associated with attending the
PAVLAD'09 workshop for participants coming from "transition countries",
which are nations other than the USA, Canada, Western Europe, New
Zealand, Australia, Japan and South Korea. Interested participants
please send a mail with your vitae to

Further information at

We hope you can participate in this event!

Best regards,

Victor Munt?s-Mulero
Jordi Nin
Chairmen of the Organizing Committee


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