PaIR: Patent Information Retrieval



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Event When Where Deadline
PaIR 2010 3rd International CIKM Workshop on Patent Information Retrieval
Oct 26, 2010 - Oct 26, 2010 Toronto, Canada Jun 30, 2010
PaIR 2008 1st International CIKM Workshop on PATENT INFORMATION RETRIEVAL
Oct 30, 2008 - Oct 30, 2008 Napa Valley, California, USA Jul 20, 2008

Present CFP : 2010


Call for Papers


3rd International CIKM Workshop on Patent Information Retrieval

October 26, 2010

Toronto, Canada (colocated with CIKM 2010)

Paper submission deadline: June 30, 2010




The objective of the workshop is to provide a forum for Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management scientists as well as Patent Retrieval experts from industry to study the next generation of patent search tools.

Patent Information Retrieval specialists in the 21st century face many challenges. They must search very large numbers of documents in multiple languages expressing complex technological concepts through sophisticated legal clauses. Despite a great deal of theoretical development in Information Retrieval techniques, advanced search tools for patent professionals, be they patent searchers in national patent offices, patent lawyers, or members of a corporate IP department, are still in their infancy.

It is therefore necessary to foster the exchange of ideas between IR and IP professionals, in order to speed up the introduction of state-of-the-art research into day-to-day use.

We encourage IP professionals to present their special information needs either through position papers or through examples of how a tool or set of tools fails to satisfy a search need. These kind of papers are particularly interested for both researchers in academia and the industry in order to focus their efforts on real issues that will have a significant impact for the_patent searcher.

IR & KM researchers, from academia or industry, are invited to present relevant technical ideas, examples of which are described below in the Topics of Interest section.

The Workshop also aims to promote the exchange of ideas on measuring the progress of system performance for retrieval tasks in the intellectual property domain.

Topics of Interest

This workshop solicits two types of papers: "research/solutions" and "IP/needs" papers.

Suggested topics for "research/solutions" papers include, but are not limited to:

* Cross-lingual information retrieval
* Patent classification
* Ontology-based retrieval
* Latent Semantic Analysis
* Information retrieval evaluation
* Evaluation frameworks
* Test collections
* Large-scale information retrieval experiments
* Parallel and distributed information retrieval
* Ranking strategies
* Query validation and query quality analysis
* Query expansion
* Interactive retrieval
* Session-based information retrieval
* User modeling
* Handling of noisy data (OCR/spelling/typing errors)
* XML retrieval
* NLP / Natural Language Processing
" IP/needs" papers shall present research challenges.

Suggested topics include, but are not limited to:

* Patent search workflow
* Patent search strategies
* Information need of the patent researcher
* Shortcomings of current patent search tools
* Case studies
* Challenges in patent search
* Patent life cycle
* Quality of patent data

Keynote Speakers

- Mary Carman, CEO of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office, CA
- IR keynote to be announced

Important Dates

- Individual workshop papers due: June 30, 2010
- Notification of Acceptance: July 31, 2010
- Camera ready version: August 15, 2010
- Workshop date: October 26, 2010

Submission Guidelines

The Workshop Committee encourages the submission of high quality research and industrial papers, which are not yet published or under consideration elsewhere, with special emphasis on Patent Information Retrieval methods. Research papers will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 members of the international program committee. Manuscripts should be formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates (both for MS word and Latex) available at: .

There are two styles on the website. Both the Strict Adherence to SIGS and the Tighter Alternate style are allowed. Papers cannot exceed 8 pages in length. A website with camera-ready instructions is available. Full papers should be submitted in PDF format to .

Selected papers will be invited to provide an extended version to be edited in special issue of a journal.

Authors of selected papers will be invited to present their work in course of a poster session. Note that these papers will be included in the proceedings.


* General Chair

- John Tait, Information Retrieval Facility,AT

* Workshop Organizers

- Christopher G. Harris, University of Iowa, USA
- Mihai Lupu, Information Retrieval Facility, AT

* PR & Communications Chair

- Katja Mayer, Information Retrieval Facility, AT

Programme Committee

- Giambattista Amati, Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, IT
- Linda Andersson, Information Retrieval Facility, AT
- Leif Azzopardi, University of Glasgow, UK
- John Barnard, Digital Chemistry, UK
- Helmut Berger, Matrixware Information Services GmbH, AT
- Bruce Croft, University of Massachusetts Amherst, US
- Barrou Diallo, European Patent Office, DE
- Michael Dittenbach, Matrixware Information Services GmbH, AT
- Karl Froeschl, University of Vienna, AT
- Allan Hanbury, Information Retrieval Facility, AT
- Patrice Lopez, Humboldt University, DE
- Mihai Lupu, Information Retrieval Facility, AT
- R. Manmatha, University of Massachusetts Amherst, US
- Andreas Pesenhofer, Matrixware Information Services GmbH, AT
- Florina Piroi, Information Retrieval Facility, AT
- Andreas Rauber, Vienna University of Technology, AT
- Giovanna Roda, Matrixware Information Services GmbH, AT
- Michael Schwantner, FIZ Karlsruhe, DE
- Jun Wang, University College London, UK
- Jianhan Zhu, University College London, UK

Related Resources

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