MOBILIGHT: Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems



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Event When Where Deadline
MOBILIGHT 2011 3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems
May 9, 2011 - May 11, 2011 Bilbao, Spain Feb 25, 2011
MOBILIGHT 2010 2nd Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems
May 10, 2010 - May 12, 2010 Barcelona Jan 25, 2010

Present CFP : 2011


3rd International ICST Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems
Bilbao, Spain, 9-11 May 2011


The worldwide scientific community is witnessing an upsurge of new path-breaking communication-based technologies that have unchained a flurry of research, focusing not only on the fundamental principles of such discoveries themselves, but also on accelerating their transition to a fully-functional and efficient practical implementation. In turn, recent theoretic advances such as cognitive radio processing, compressive sampling, multiterminal MIMO networks, or distributed and cooperative algorithms are currently undergoing intense research effort towards their practical implementation, as evidenced from a plethora of exciting European and national funded projects and consortiums (e.g. NEWCOM++, MIMAX, COGNAC, COMONSENS, REWIND, ARTIST4G, QOSMOS, SACRA, OneFIT, SAPHYRE, ACROPOLIS, EUWB, QASAR). In light of this vibrant activity, the third edition of the International ICST Conference on Mobile Lightweight Wireless Systems (MOBILIGHT 2011) will feature first-rate theoretical and practical research around the latest advances on information, data and signal processing for wireless communications.

MOBILIGHT 2011 will be held in Bilbao (Bizkaia, Basque Country, Spain), a beautiful venue internationally recognized for business, trading and its devotion to first-level R&D, as buttressed by more than two hundred technology-based companies and R&D centers established in the region. MOBILIGHT 2011 targets information exchange and cross-fertilization among academia, research centers and industry through the organization of four complementary tracks, which will compile significant advances on the design of wireless and mobile communications systems. Fundamental research on PHY and network layers will be complemented with a 3rd track covering experimental results and performance evaluation of in-lab testbeds. Besides, contributions on novel mobile services and applications under the "always-on" operational principle will also be considered in a 4th track. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

TRACK 1: Information, Data and Signal Processing for Wireless Communications

- Information-theoretic limits of multiterminal communication scenarios
- Coding theory and techniques
- Multiuser detection and interference cancellation
- Equalization, channel estimation and synchronization
- MIMO and beamforming techniques
- Cognitive sensing and radio transmission (including resource allocation and scheduling, cooperative spectrum monitoring, multiobjective optimization, data fusion…)
- Distributed (Slepian-Wolf-like) source coding
- Iterative (Turbo-like) detection and decoding
- Random matrix analysis and free probability theory
- Game theory applied to communications
- Genetic/heuristic/evolutionary methods for wireless networks
- Decentralized and cooperative algorithms for communication and sensor networks (distributed detection and estimation, consensus, distributed control, localization, positioning, navigation and tracking, etc.)
- Machine-learning techniques applied to communications
- Recent advances in data processing (sampling, compression, compressive sensing, etc...)
- Applications of dynamical systems in communications
- Physical layer security (secrecy capacity, key generation)
-Green communications (energy efficient modulation, coding, resource allocation)

TRACK 2: Information Networking

- Wireless (WPAN, WLAN, WMAN/cellular) technology
- Congestion and flow control
- Practical network coding
- Opportunistic routing approaches
- Decentralized routing and MAC algorithms
- Soft Computing techniques in network topology problems
- Artificial Intelligent methods in access control.
- Mobility and network management, reliability and - security
-Multimedia transmission
- ARQ methods and their analysis
- Relay-based multihop networking
- Quality-of-Service provisioning

TRACK 3: Implementations and Testbeds

- Prototyping of digital communication equipments
- Development of hardware MIMO testbeds and performance evaluation
- On-site demonstration of avant-garde cognitive radio systems
- In-lab performance evaluation

TRACK 4: Mobile Services and Applications

- Anytime, Anywhere, Any device
- Interactive multimedia
- Ambient assisted living
- Usability and HMI
- Location and context aware services
- Seamless roaming
- Emerging and next generation services


Proposals for Workshops, Special Sessions, Tutorials: December 22, 2010
Submission of papers due: January 28, 2011
Notification of acceptance: March 18, 2011
Final manuscript due: April 2, 2011
Conference date: May 9-11, 2011

Organizing Committee

Conference General Co-Chairs:
Eduard Jorswieck (TU Dresden, Germany)
Javier Del Ser (TECNALIA, Spain)

Technical Program Co-Chairs:
Marja Matinmikko (VTT, Finland)
Joaquin Miguez (University Carlos III Madrid, Spain)
Daniel Palomar (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)

Workshop / Special Sessions Co-Chairs:
Sancho Salcedo-Sanz (University of Alcala, Spain)
Thomas Haustein (FhG-HHI, Germany)

Tutorial Co-Chairs:
Alejandro Ribeiro (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Carlos Escudero (University of A Coru?a, Spain)

Publications Chair:
Sergio Gil-Lopez (TECNALIA, Spain)

Publicity Co-Chairs:
Christos Verikoukis (CTTC, Spain)
Manuel Vazquez (University Carlos III, Spain)
Martin Haardt (TU Ilmenau, Germany)

Panel Chair:
Josep Vidal (Technical University of Catalonia, Spain)

Local Arrangements Chair:
Jose M. Cabero (TECNALIA, Spain)

Conference Coordinator:
Gergely Nagy (ICST)

Web Chair:
Eirini Karapistoli (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)

Steering Committee
Imrich Chlamtac (CREATENET, Italy)
Fabrizio Granelli (University of Trento, Italy)
Charalabos Skianis (University of Aegean, Greece)

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