KiVS: Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen



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All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
KiVS 2011 Communication in Distributed Systems
Mar 8, 2011 - Mar 11, 2011 Kiel, Germany Sep 19, 2010
KiVS 2009 Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen 2009
Mar 2, 2009 - Mar 6, 2009 Kassel Sep 22, 2008

Present CFP : 2011

) )
) ) 17th Conference "Communication in Distributed Systems" (KiVS'11)
) ) 2011, March 8 - 11, Kiel, Germany
) )
) )
) ) --------------------------------------------------------
) )
) ) Important Dates
) ) Submission of conference papers 2010-09-19
) ) Acceptance notification 2010-11-07
) ) Camera-ready version due 2010-12-05
) ) Submission of workshop papers 2010-10-31
) ) Acceptance notification 2010-11-28
) ) Camera-ready version due 2010-12-19
) ) Submission of tutorial proposals 2010-10-17
) ) Acceptance notification 2010-11-07
) ) Tutorials 2011-03-08
) ) Conference 2011-03-08 - 2011-03-10
) ) Workshops 2011-03-10 - 2011-03-11
) )
) ) --------------------------------------------------------
) )
) ) Apologies if you are receiving this mail more than once. Please reply to
) ) this mail in case this conference is not of your interest so that we can
) ) exclude your name from the mailing list.
) )
) ) --------------------------------------------------------
) )
) ) The conference series "Communication in Distributed Systems"
) ) (KiVS)--jointly organized by GI and ITG--is the most important and
) ) successful scientific conference series in Germany on all aspects of
) ) technical communication and distributed processing. It started over 30
) ) years ago. In 2011, KiVS takes place from March, 8 to 11, at
) ) Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel. The program focus is on new
) ) developments in research and practice in the communications area.
) ) Excursions to renowned companies in the vicinity, tutorials on new
) ) technologies, and workshops on special topics round up the conference
) ) program (for the latter, see dedicated CfPs).
) )
) ) Please submit both academic and practical contributions to KiVS 2011!
) ) Three kinds of contributions are welcome:
) )
) ) • Long papers have up to 12 pages and present new scientific results
) ) and well-founded findings.
) )
) ) • Short papers are up to six pages long and describe ongoing work and
) ) innovative aspects of projects.
) )
) ) • Industry papers for the newly introduced Industry Track comprise
) ) about two pages. They present innovative projects, new technologies and
) ) trends from the industrial practice.
) )
) ) Submitted long and short papers may not have been published or submitted
) ) elsewhere. Presentation languages are German and English. All
) ) submissions must meet the language and format requirements as specified
) ) on the conference website Submissions will be
) ) reviewed by the program committee with regard to their content‘s quality
) ) and relevance to the conference. Accepted papers will appear in a
) ) conference volume in the Open Access in Informatics Series (OASIcs) of
) ) the Leibniz Center for Computer Science (Schloss Dagstuhl).
) )
) ) Areas of interest for KiVS 2011: KiVS’11 provides a forum for the
) ) discussion of recent developments in the fields of communications and
) ) distributed systems. Possible topics include:
) )
) ) • Networks: Mobile ad-hoc networks, sensor networks, optical networks,
) ) mobile networks, network convergence, Future Internet, new routing
) ) methods, routing mediation, next generation networks, next generation
) ) mobile networks, peer-to-peer networks
) )
) ) • Protocols: QoS and QoE, congestion control, mobility support,
) ) self-organization, video streaming, Beyond-IP
) )
) ) • Energy efficiency: energy information networks, energy-efficient
) ) protocols, self-sustaining distributed systems, distributed applications
) ) to save energy, Smart Grid, home energy monitoring
) )
) ) • Middleware: Web services, grid services, peer-to-peer middleware,
) ) Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), service discovery and composition,
) ) enterprise application integration, context-sensitive and adaptive
) ) systems, agent systems, virtualization, disruptive networks, mobile
) ) middleware, service enablers, service APIs, cross-functional layer
) ) composition
) )
) ) • Control, monitoring, management: Autonomic communication, network and
) ) service management, technical foundations for IT governance and compliance
) )
) ) • Security: Identity and access management, privacy, privacy enhancing
) ) technologies, intrusion detection, firewalls and application level gateways
) )
) ) • Distributed applications and technologies: Content delivery networks,
) ) telematics, automotive systems, cloud computing, cooperative robots,
) ) e-learning, e-commerce, e-finance, e-health, Semantic Web, Smart Cities,
) ) e-government, web 2.0/3.0 applications, machine-to-machine communication
) ) (M2M), Internet of Things
) )
) ) • Design of distributed systems: Self-organizing systems, agent-oriented
) ) design, adaptability and reflexivity, model-driven development, autonomy
) ) and emergence, fault-tolerant systems, transactional memory
) )
) ) • Methods and Tools: Test and measurement techniques, modeling and
) ) simulation, analytical performance evaluation, validation and
) ) verification platforms and experimental testbeds
) )
) ) Prize for the best Communications Software: At the conference in Kiel,
) ) the "Best Communications Software” prize is going to be arwarded for the
) ) second time. It is a prize for innovative software that has been
) ) developed as part of a student or research project. For more
) ) information, visit
) )
) ) The conference venue is Kiel, the state capital of Schleswig-Holstein.
) ) With about 237 000 inhabitants Kiel is the largest city in this federal
) ) state. Kiel is situated on the Kiel fjord, a 17 km long, narrow fjord of
) ) the Baltic Sea, and on the Kiel Canal, the busiest man-made maritime
) ) shipping lane of the world. The proximity of the Kiel fjord makes Kiel a
) ) paradise for sailors, but also promenaders enjoy a tour alongside the
) ) Kiel fjord in any weather. The Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel
) ) was founded in 1665 and is the only comprehensive university in the
) ) country. The nearest city is Hamburg-about 90 km to the south.
) )
) ) For further information on locations, submissions, formatting
) ) requirements, hotel accomodation and conference registration as well as
) ) current news, visit
) )
) ) --------------------------------------------------------
) )
) ) Contact information:
) )
) ) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Norbert Luttenberger
) ) Research Group for Communication Systems
) ) Dept. of Computer Science
) ) Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel
) ) Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4
) ) 24118 Kiel, Germany
) )
) ) ++49-431-880-7291
) ) chair(at)kivs11(dot)de
) )
) ) --------------------------------------------------------
) )
) ) Organizers:
) )
) ) Gesellschaft für Informatik
) )
) )
) ) Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE
) )


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