IWSC: International Workshop on Software Clones



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Event When Where Deadline
IWSC 2013 Seventh International Workshop on Software Clones
May 19, 2013 - May 19, 2013 San Francisco, CA, USA Feb 7, 2013
May 8, 2010 - May 8, 2010 Cape Town Jan 20, 2010

Present CFP : 2013

Seventh International Workshop on Software Clones (IWSC 2013)
"Clone Management in Practice: Use Cases and Experiences"

Sunday, May 19, 2013, San Francisco, CA, USA
In Conjunction with ICSE'13

Papers due: February 7, 2013

Software clones are identical or similar pieces of code, design or
other artifacts. Clones are known to be closely related to various
issues in software engineering, such as software quality, complexity,
architecture, refactoring, evolution, licensing, plagiarism, and so
on. Various characteristics of software systems can be uncovered
through clone analysis, and system restructuring can be performed by
merging clones.

The purpose of this workshop is to continue to solidify and give shape
to this research area and community. More specifically, the goals are
to bring together researchers and practitioners from around the world
to evaluate the current state of research and applications, discuss
common problems, discover new opportunities for collaboration,
exchange ideas, envision new areas of research and applications, and
explore synergies with similarity analysis in other areas and

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Use cases for clones and clone management in the software lifecycle
* Experiences with clones and clone management in practice
* Types and nature of clones in software systems
* Causes and effects of clones
* Techniques and algorithms for clone detection, search, analysis,
and management
* Clone and clone pattern visualization
* Tools and systems for detecting software clones
* Applications of clone detection and analysis
* System architecture and clones
* Effect of clones to system complexity and quality
* Clone analysis in families of similar systems
* Measures of code similarity
* Economic and trade-off models for clone removal
* Evaluation and benchmarking of detection methods
* Licensing and plagiarism issues
* Clone-aware software design and development
* Refactoring through clone analysis
* Higher-level clones in models and designs
* Clone evolution and variation
* Role of clones in software system evolution


A clear understanding of real use cases in clone management is a
fundamental prerequisite for categorizing, evaluating and directing
future research. For this reason, this IWSC will emphasize clone
management in practice, that is, use cases and experiences with
clones and clone management in the software lifecycle.


The following types of papers are sought:

* Full research papers (7 pages) are expected to present novel
research ideas and open issues, significant empirical studies, or
important viewpoints on the field and this year's special theme,
namely, industrial experiences and use cases.
* Position papers (2 pages) raise new ideas and issues or describe
early research achievements, emphasizing originality and potential
to stimulate active discussion at the workshop.
* Tool demonstration papers (2 pages) describe clone management
tools and their applications.

All types of papers will be formally reviewed by at least three
members of the program committee. They must be relevant to the goals
of the workshop and hold the potential for lively discussion and

Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings as part
of the ICSE Companion Volume. Their authors will be invited to present
their work during the workshop as a formal presentation and take part
in an open panel discussion of the topics and issues raised.

Submissions must be uploaded online to the workshop's submission
web site:


and adhere to the IEEE two-column proceedings format:



Paper submissions: February 7, 2013
Notification to authors: February 28, 2013
Camera-ready copies: March 7, 2013
Workshop: May 19, 2013


Rainer Koschke (University of Bremen, Germany)


Elmar Juergens (CQSE GmbH, Munich, Germany)
Juergen Rilling (Concordia University, Montreal, Canada)


James R. Cordy (Queen's University, Canada)
Katsuro Inoue (Osaka University, Japan)
Rainer Koschke (University of Bremen, Germany)


Jan Harder (Publicity Chair, University of Bremen, Germany)
Saman Bazrafshan (Web Chair, University of Bremen, Germany)


Website: http://softwareclones.org/iwsc2013
Email: iwsc@softwareclones.org
Twitter: @iwsc2013

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