IWINAC: International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2012 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
May 30, 2011 - Jun 3, 2011 La Palma, Canary Islands (Spain) Feb 7, 2011

Present CFP : 2011

To address the two questions exposed in the scope of IWINAC2011, we will make use of a wide and comprehensive view of the Computational Paradigm (CP) that first consider three levels of description for each calculus (physical mechanisms, symbols and knowledge) and then distinguish between two domains of description (the level "own" domain and the domain of the external observer).

This wider view of the CP allows us more elbow room to accommodate the results of the interplay between Nature and Computation. The IWINAC forum becomes thus a methodological approximation (set of intentions, questions, experiments, models, algorithms, mechanisms, explanation procedures, and engineering and computational methods) to the natural and artificial perspectives of the mind embodiments problem, both in humans and in artifacts.

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