IWAAL: International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living



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Event When Where Deadline
IWAAL 2011 III International Workshop on Ambient Assisted Living
Jun 8, 2011 - Jun 10, 2011 Malaga, Spain Jan 21, 2011

Present CFP : 2011

Ambient Assisted Living fosters the provision of equipment and services for the independent or more autonomous living of elderly people, via the seamless integration of info-communication technologies within homes and residences, thus increasing their quality of life and autonomy and reducing the need for being institutionalized or aiding it when it happens. Source: http://www.aal169.org/.

IWAAL promotes the collaboration among researches in this area, concentrating efforts and detecting quality of life, safety and health problems of elderly people at home. For that, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have to be applied to accomplish people’s independence in this environment. In addition, other environments such as hospitals or residences have to be considered. Finally, proposals for supporting families and caregivers activities are also very important for this workshop.

All papers accepted will be published in a special volume of IWANN in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS Springer-Verlag). IWANN is included in the ranking of the best conferences established by the Computer Science Conference Ranking based on the "Estimated Impact of Conference (EIC,2009)", concretely in position 55 among 701 considered (in the Artificial Intelligence field) and in the rank B in Computing Research and Education Association (CORE). Also the IWANN papers are indexed by CiteSeer.IST, and by the organization Computing Research and Education Association (CORE).


•Smart sensors and wireless sensor networks
•Ambient Intelligence for AAL
•Smart homes & Intelligent Residences for AAL
•Identification and Sensing Technologies
•Applications for health and tele-mobile-health
•Applications for chronic diseases
•Physical Activity Recognition
•Diet & Exercise Controls
•Diabetes, Obesity, Alzheimer and AAL
•Mobile-Tele-monitoring and devices in AAL
•Multi-modal Interaction Techniques and Devices
•Digital Television Services for AAL
•Artificial Intelligence for learning and reactive AAL
•Artificial Neural Networks in AAL
•Rule-based systems in AAL
•Context Awareness in Assistive Environments
•Social Robotics
•E-learning for AAL

Type of Submissions

1. Long Paper. A maximum length of 10 pages. They must consist of original, relevant and previously unpublished sound research results related to any of the topics of the symposium.

2. Short paper. A maximum length of 5 pages (for example, a project report, a summary of a PhD dissertation, or work in progress).

All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to IWAAL-2011 will be reviewed by at least two members of the Scientific Committee. All papers accepted will be published in a special volume of IWANN in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS Springer-Verlag). IWANN is included in the ranking of the best conferences established by the Computer Science Conference Ranking based on the "Estimated Impact of Conference (EIC,2009)", concretely in position 55 among 701 considered (in the Artificial Intelligence field) and in the rank B in Computing Research and Education Association (CORE). Also the IWANN papers are indexed by CiteSeer.IST, and by the organization Computing Research and Education Association (CORE).


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