ITA: Information Theory and Applications



Past:   Proceedings on DBLP

Future:  Post a CFP for 2016 or later   |   Invite the Organizers Email


All CFPs on WikiCFP

Event When Where Deadline
ITA 2015 Information Theory and Applications Workshop
Feb 1, 2015 - Feb 6, 2015 San Diego, CA, USA Jan 10, 2015
ITA 2012 Information Theory and Applications Workshop
Feb 5, 2012 - Feb 10, 2012 San Diego, USA TBD

Present CFP : 2015

Dear Claude,

We have come a long way since the first ITA. Can you imagine friends without
Facebook, couch potatoes without Candy Crush, Washington (x2) without weed,
and above all, I without iPhone or (early) Spring without San Diego?

Even if you can, we very cordially invite you to participate and present a
talk at ITA's Gangnam-Style 10th Anniversary, Sunday-Friday, February 1-6
2015, at the spectacular Scripps Seaside (soon Seainside) Forum.

If you know whether you can join our California-sanctioned union, you can skip
the rest and indicate your participation intention by logging into your account using
Otherwise, here is some more information to help you decide.

Our MOOC speakers will prepare us for the next decade of workshops.
Christof Koch (Allen Institute) will produce our individual brain maps that
Fernando Pereira (Google) will learn and map-reduce to something
Babak Hassibi (Caltech) can non-smoothly optimize and
Ruediger Urbanke (EPFL) correctly decode, but fear not,
Cynthia Dwork (Microsoft) will assuage all cloud-privacy concerns.

The Uber Airbnb accommodations will be at the exclusive ocean-front
La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club and La Jolla Shores hotels, both are a
beautiful beach stroll from the Forum as you can see in the live GoPro cam
(prospective UCSD students: yes, next year these dudes on boards could be you).
The hotels have several room types and our Groupon-busting rates may very well
run out, so pretty please see more information and book soon.

The banquet will be a Yelper's delight four-course feast at the Marine Room, one of
San Diego's best-known restaurants and a personal favorite for many of us, with course
introductions by Fe-chef Bernard Guillas and the Kardashians flashmob entertainment.

Graduation Day will again provide a venue for exceptional final-year students
and postdocs seeking positions at the Khan Academy, National Academy, or points
in between. With speaker approval, these talks will be videotaped and web-archived.
If you have excellent candidate speakers in mind, please let us know.

For your curvaceous fabulous phablet, we are micro-brewing the first
Information-Theoretic Workshop App where you could view talks, create your own
program, and exchange Words With Friends. We'll send you more information
about it shortly and if you are willing to help us test and improve the app
please let us know.

For our anniversary, we would like to notch up our individualized T-shirts
and mugs featuring our most important invitee... ! So we can
elegantly crowd source you into America's Next Top Model, please upload your
best and clearest selfie (or elsie) by December 5th.

Additional decennial events will include:
* Seashore sunset receptions with victuals and libations
* Kindled Fires on the beach Monday and Thursday nights (weather permitting)
* Student banquerrito catered by SD's other 5-star fine-food establishment
* ITAvision song contest for school or countries, beard optional
* Social, professional, networking, and HealthKit events

Thank you very much for reading this far and for considering attending ITA 2015.
You can find even more workshop information on our website. If you can,
indicate your participation inclination and upload your tentative title by Dec. 5th using

Follow us on Twitter and get a free plastic, oops paper, conference bag.
Till February, or the next long mail,


Related Resources

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