ISARCS: International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems



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Event When Where Deadline
ISARCS 2012 3rd International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems
Jun 26, 2012 - Jun 28, 2012 Bertinoro, Italy Feb 21, 2012 (Feb 14, 2012)
ISARCS 2011 2nd ACM SigSoft International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems
Jun 20, 2011 - Jun 24, 2011 Boulder, CO, USA Jan 15, 2011
ISARCS 2010 First International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems
Jun 23, 2010 - Jun 25, 2010 Prague, Czech Republic Mar 1, 2010 (Feb 22, 2010)

Present CFP : 2012


3rd International Symposium on Architecting Critical Systems (ISARCS 2012)
Bertinoro, Italy, June 26-28 2012

Federated with CompArch 2012

ISARCS is at the third edition and it is the perfect venue for exchanging ideas on both theory and practice for architecting critical systems. Architecting these systems has the big challenge to guarantee both the perceived and objective dependability and security even accepting service degradation. This requires trade-off among the various attributes of dependability and security that cannot be considered in isolation. We are interested in submissions from both industry and academia, including, but not limited to, the following main areas:

Architectural styles and patterns
Architectural support for evolution
Aspects-oriented development
Assurance-based development
Automotive and avionic systems
Component-based development
Critical infrastructures
E-commerce, e-business, and e-government
Embedded, mobile, and ubiquitous systems
Extensible ADLs
Fault injection
Industrial case studies, challenges, problems, and solutions
Inspection techniques
Integration of processes, tools, and analysis techniques
Integrators (wrappers) for dependability
Model checking
Model-driven development
Redundancy and diversity
Runtime checks
Survivability and error confinement
Testing and simulation
Theorem proving
Tolerating architectural mismatches
Type checking techniques

Paper submissions: Accepted contributions will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Papers should not exceed 10 pages, must be written in English, and prepared according to the ACM style ( Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted elsewhere for publication. If accepted, the paper must be personally presented at ISARCS 2012 by one author. Submissions will be made through the EasyChair on-line submission system (see website).

Abstract submission: February 14, 2012
Paper submission: February 21, 2012
Authors notification: April 9, 2012
Camera-Ready version: May 1, 2012

Jorge Cuellar, SIEMENS CT, Germany
Javier Lopez, University of Malaga, Spain

Vincenzo Grassi, Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
Raffaela Mirandola, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Rami Bahsoon (University of Birmingham, UK)
Marco Bernardo (University of Urbino, Italy)
Wing-Kwong Chan (City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Michel R.V. Chaudron (Leiden University, The Netherlands)
Erik de Vink (TUE, The Netherlands)
Anthony Hall (Praxis Critical Systems, UK)
Bernhard Hämmerli (Acris GmbH/HSLU&HIG, Switzerland)
Valérie Issarny (INRIA, UR de Rocquencourt, France)
Christian D. Jensen (TUD, Denmark)
Tim Kelly (University of York, UK)
John C. Knight(University of Virginia, US)
Yves Le Traon (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
Jorge Lopez (INDRA, Spain)
Volkmar Lotz (SAP, France)
Fabio Martinelli (CNR, Italy)
Fabio Massacci (University of Trento, Italy)
Martin Naedele (ABB, Switzerland)
Sebastian Nanz (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Bashar Nuseibeh (Open University, UK)
Flavio Oquendo (European University of Brittany, France)
Patrizio Pelliccione (University of L’Aquila, Italy)
Sampath Prahladavaradan (India Science Lab, India)
Ernesto Pimentel (University of Malaga, Spain)
Richard V. Robinson (Boeing, US)
Erich Rome (Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany)
Bill Roscoe (Oxford University, UK)
Roshana Roshandel (Seattle University, US)
Carsten Rudolph (Fraunhofer SIT, Germany)
Bernhard Rumpe (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)
John Rushby (SRI, US)
Riccardo Scandariato (KUL, Belgium)
Bran Selic (Malina Software, Canada)
Roberto Setola (Università Campus Bio-Medico, Italy)
Danny Weyns (Linnaeus University, Sweden)
Martin Wirsing (LMU, Germany)
Stephen Wolthusen (Royal Holloway, UK)

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