IMPRESS: Interactive Multimodal Pattern Recognition in Embedded Systems



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IMPRESS 2010 1st International Workshop Interactive Multimodal Pattern Recognition in Embedded Systems
Sep 1, 2010 - Sep 1, 2010 Bilbao, Spain Mar 20, 2010

Present CFP : 2010


Embedded computing systems enable highly optimized special-purpose services, such as pattern recognition (PR), provided by host devices. PR in embedded systems is one of the foremost examples of AI-based expert systems that have converted from theoretical studies to practical solutions in real-life applications. The spectrum of PR in embedded systems is vast. Recognized objects or events can be synthetic or biologic. Deployed methods can be analytical or statistical, programmed or hardwired, digital or analogue, supervised or unsupervised, etc. User interaction with such systems can be optical, phonetic, tactile, or based on other kinds of sensors. Often, multiple modes of interaction and input data processing is provided by embedded PR systems. The diversity of aspects of interaction, multimodality and embedding of PR systems will receive special attention in the focus of IMPRESS. The workshop aims to raise awareness of, and foster the increasing importance of PR in Embedded Systems. IMPRESS provides a forum for presenting and discussing the state of the art, on-going r & d, and innovative system features in the field.


We are calling for papers presenting original research results, innovative ideas, work in progress, industrial experience, case studies or position statements. In particular, we welcome submissions that highlight aspects of interaction, multimodality or embedding. In general, submitted work should deal with PR systems in areas including, but not limited to the following topics:

* Analysis of images, signals, sounds, tracks, videos
* Applications:
automotive, biometric, data mining, domotic, forensic, gaming, genomic, medical, etc
* Classification and indexing of items
* Coding and processing
* Computer vision
* Databases and digital libraries for PR
* Descriptors and Representation
* Device- and application-embedded PR
* Distributed, clustered, networked PR
* Enhancement of audio, images, video
* Feature detection
* Filtering, separation and segmentation
* Formal, mathematical, statistical methods
* Fuzzy and hybrid techniques
* Hardware acceleration of PR algorithms
* Implementations of PR algorithms (DSP, FPGA, SoC, VLSI)
* Machine learning, relevance feedback
* Morphology
* Motion tracking
* Multimedia
* Navigation (aural, tactile, visual)
* On-line and off-line PR
* Performance evaluation
* Recognition of faces, graphics, objects, shapes, sounds, text, voices, writings, etc
* Retrieval of images, patterns, sounds, videos; semantic retrieval
* Robotics
* Sensor systems
* Similarity Metrics
* System design
* Understanding of audio, images, scenes, video
* User interfaces


Please login here and submit an electronic copy (preferably .pdf) of your work by March 20, 2010. For dates and deadlines, click here. Submissions must be neither published nor under revision elsewhere, be written in English, contain an abstract of about 200 words and should not exceed 5000 words. In case of problems, please contact the organizers. We recommend to use the IEEE format of the final versions of accepted papers.


All papers submitted to IMPRESS 2010 will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers that are presented at the workshop will be published in an IEEE proceedings volume of the DEXA 2010 workshops. (For example, see bibliographic details of our previous DEXA workshop EDACS'09.)

Workshop Chairs

Juan Carlos Pérez-Cortes
Instituto Tecnológico
de Informática, Spain

Enrique Vidal
Universidad Politécnica
de Valencia, Spain

Costantino Grana
Universita degli Studi di
Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy

Organizing Chair

Hendrik Decker
Instituto Tecnológico
de Informática, Spain

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