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Present CFP : 2018 | |||||||||||
ICTERI is an annual peer-reviewed international Computer Science conference focusing on research advances, business/academic applications of Information and Communication Technologies, design and deployment of ICT Infrastructures. The emphasis is also put on real world applications of ICT solutions. Therefore, all contributions are strongly encouraged to demonstrate how and to what purpose the proposed solutions are used or transferred into use, for example by a proof-of-concept implementation; a prototype in an advanced stage; a case study involving new tools and/or methodological approaches; experimental studies with real use cases, including knowledge or technology transfer; visionary papers or surveys revealing new needs and trends. Reports on academic-industrial partnerships for ICT innovation and knowledge transfer are as welcome as technological and methodological submissions.
We solicit submission of original work, not previously published or submitted for publication elsewhere, that address one or more of the following topics. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES ICTERI Main Conference sulicits submissions in English. Submissions in any other language will be rejected without review. Presentations in any other language are also not accepted. All submissions shall be annotated by the key words/phrases freely chosen by the authors. At least three and at most five key phrases have to be provided. All submissions must comply with the Springer CCIS format guidelines. Formatting instructions and template as well as submission guidelines are provided for your convenience at the ICTERI 2018 web site: http://icteri.org/icteri-2018/. Submissions must be made in .pdf by using EasyChair Conference Management System: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icteri2018. Please submit your paper to the applicable ICTERI 2018 Track as identified in the List of Topics below. SUBMISSION TYPES Several types of papers are solicited for the main ICTERI conference tracks as presented below. Submission types are: I Full (regular) research papers - Report on accomplished, unpublished research work - Present a novel method, technique or analysis with appropriate empirical or other evaluation as a proof of validity - Evaluation focuses on originality, technical soundness and the soundness of the real use demonstration. - Page limit: 16 LNCS pages. II Short research papers - Short reports of preliminary results or work in progress - Evaluation focuses on originality, technical correctness and the value of the planned results in a short to mid-term perspective - Page limit: 8 (short paper) or 4 (extended abstract) LNCS pages III Discussion, survey, or problem analysis papers - Help understand a relevant problem without introducing a novel method, technique or approach. - Examples: a review placing a problem onto the state-of-the-art landscape and analyzing how far current solutions fall short; an in-depth discussion and analysis of a certain problem, with clear definitions and argumentation in terms of qualitative or quantitative representation of the main characteristics of the problem. - Evaluation focuses on the soundness of the problem analysis and on the interest for the scientific community. - Page limit: 16 LNCS pages. IV Industry and Education experience reports - Report on industrial or academic deployments of ICT - Experiences in the effective and efficient use of ICT in education - Evaluation focuses on significance and practical relevance, technical soundness, and accompanying evaluation or industrial validation. - Page limit: 12 LNCS pages. The papers submitted as one of the above types (I-IV) and (i) evaluated as not sufficiently mature by the Program Committee; and (ii) recognized by the reviewers as interesting and promising in their idea or approach; may be recommended to be accepted as a Poster. V Posters - Concise presentations of early-stage research in the form of an Extended Abstract. These papers outline preliminary ideas, concepts, initial results shaping out the future work. Posters will be presented in a separate poster session. - Evaluation focuses on originality, technical correctness, the value of the research ideas, and the potential to become a mature research outcome in a short-to-mid-term perspective. - Page limit: 4 LNCS pages. More details on the requirements to different paper types and also the ways these papers are presented at the conference are provided in the Paper Types page at the ICTERI 2018 web site: http://icteri.org/icteri-2018/paper-types/. LIST OF TOPICS It is suggested that papers are submitted to one of the following Thematic Tracks: Track 1: Advances in ICT Research (Semantic) Integration and Interoperability Managing Big Data and Linked Open Data at Scale Data Analytics and Business Intelligence Knowledge Models, Languages, and Representations Ontologies: Engineering, Extraction, Learning Ontologies: Alignment, and Evolution Ontologies: Evaluation and Reuse Machine Learning: Deep Learning and Reasoning Issues of Reliability and Trust in ICT Biologically and Socially Inspired Approaches to Machine Intelligence Track 2: Information Systems: Technology and Applications Service-Orientation and Large-scale Distributed Computing Cloud Computing Model Driven Architectures / Software Development Business Process Management Knowledge Extraction, Engineering and Management Track 3: Academia/Industry ICT Cooperation Joint Academic-Industrial Research and Development Infrastructures, Tools and Framework Conditions for Cooperation and Knowledge Transfer Experiences in ICT for Technology-Enhanced Learning and Instruction Best Practices in Cooperative Projects Track 4: ICT in Education Methodology and Didactics of Teaching and Using ICT ICT in Technology Enhanced Learning and Instruction Advances in and Tools for Technology Enhanced Learning The Role of ICT and Infrastructures in Curriculum Design ICT Competence Design and Development Quality Assurance of ICT Education Professional Retraining and Life-Long Learning using ICT Infrastructures and Framework Conditions for ICT Education Modeling Systems in Education ORGANIZERS General Chair: Aleksander Spivakovsky, Kherson State University, Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine Local Organization Chair: Mykola Nikitchenko, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine Program Chairs: - Vadim Ermolayev, Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine - Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain Program Committee: please check the Program Committee page at the ICTERI 2018 web site for the list of the PC members: http://icteri.org/icteri-2018/program-committee/. Poster and Demonstration Chairs - Agnieszka Ławrynowicz, Poznan University of Technology, Poland - Raul Palma, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland - Presentations Chair:Heinrich C. Mayr, Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, Austria - Proceedings Chair:Vitaliy Yakovyna, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine PUBLICATION All submissions will be evaluated by at least three members of the international program committee. Accepted papers will be published in the international proceedings volume on-line (CEUR-WS) before the conference. The best papers among the accepted and presented at the conference will be selected and invited by the ICTERI Steering Committee to be revised and extended for the ICTERI post-proceedings volume by Springer Communications in the Computer and Information Science (CCIS) series (pending approval). Please check the Previous ICTERI Conferences page at the ICTERI 2018 web site (http://icteri.org/icteri-2018/previous-icteri-conferences/) to access the proceedings and post-proceedings volumes published by the previous conferences. More details on the evaluation process and milestones are explained in the Process and Milestones page at the ICTERI 2018 web site: http://icteri.org/icteri-2018/process-and-milestones/. Where applicable, papers may be invited to be extended and published in the special issues of International Journals. VENUE The conference will be held in Kyiv, Ukraine at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Kyiv is the capital and a major cultural and touristic venue in Ukraine. The city is easily reachable from all major European air hubs through its Borispil International Airport (http://kbp.aero/en/). More details are available at the Conference Venue page at the ICTERI 2018 web site: http://icteri.org/icteri-2018/conference-venue/. CONTACT For all the questions related to ICTERI 2018 please visit the ICTERI 2018 Contacts at http://icteri.org/icteri-2018/contacts/ | |||||||||||